A lawsuit filed by the Pantsuitist US DNC against numerous parties including the Russian Federation, democratically elected US President Donald Trump, and others has been dimissed (archived). Clinton appointed District Judge John Koeltl found the Russian Federation's earlier declaration of sovereign immunity compelling though he declared:
The primary wrongdoer in this alleged criminal enterprise is undoubtably the Russian Federation, the first named defendant in the case and the entity that surreptitiously and illegally hacked into the DNC’s computers and thereafter disseminated the results of its theft
As Koeltl accepted the DNC's own political talking points about this particualr hack, one which saw their emails spread all over, everyone later spreading the emails was therefore indemnified for engaging in protected journalistic activity. This case's end comes as a case involving the embattled Pantsuit's own supernode Jeffery Epstein is in the early stages of its own prosecution after stalling for years due to Epstein's protection as an "intelligence" asset.