The growth outlook for the global semiconductor market are eroding for the year as 2019 marches on thanks to an increase in NAND flash memory production and just about everything else in the space being materially worse than offerings from a decade ago in many important measures (archived). Meanwhile the Intel "optimization" induced data leaks keep rolling in (archived). The ongoing Intel optimization fraud has lead Google to disable Intel's "Hyperthreading" in their ChromeOS spyware with other vendors considering similar measures (archived).
which computer would you recommend for cold storage? t400 with libreboot? what else is there
For cold storage? Acid-free paper and ink, what computer.
not that cold )
i need a computer for crafting raw transaction then broadcast this on online node
i dont know which computer to buy for this, I was thinking t400 or x200 or x60. can u recommend
after 2008 all too compromised? )
"I have never played a tune before, but tell me, which Stradivari to buy" ?
If you cared to follow the reference guide on the matter, you'd notice that you don't need a specific model of anything. On the contrary, your focus on searching for the "last magic uncompromised stinkpad" suggests you're taking the wrong approach. Assume there's no magic model, they are all shit.