Latest Fork Noise Arrives On Schedule

This past week supporters of the failed ClassicCoin coup attempt have attempted to socially engineer a fresh round of buzz for their failed effort. They are referring to their latest effort as the "Terminator Plan" which supposes that somehow people are going to switch en masse to their stillborn and irrelevant ClassicCoin client from the moribund and also irrelevant "Core" fork of the reference Bitcoin client.

This time the fork effort had still less fanfare than the original ClassicCoin announcement, just as the ClassicCoin announcement had still less fanfare than the XTCoin announcement which preceded it. The sudden push for the "Terminator Plan" in addition to being exactly on schedule has arrived swiftly after the effort to suppose Bitcoin could be replaced with the ether huffing habit effectively ended.

Discussions taking the "Terminator Plan" seriously have been absent from venues engaging in actual economic activity involving Bitcoin. Most discussions have been limited to English language outlets controlled by Roger Ver1 (WOT:nonperson) and Chinese language outlets similarly removed from actual economic activity despite occasional appearances by miners.

Meanwhile the price reported by fiat/Bitcoin interfaces remain above where it was when the ClassicCoin coup was defeated, which is above where it was when the ClassicCoin Coup was unveiled, which is above where it was when the XTCoin coup was defeated, which is still further above where it was when the XTCoin coup was unveiled.

Beyond all this drama and distraction the miner subsidy halving looms and the economic deterrent to unwelcome forks abides. Sorry for your loss.

  1. Who notably is no longer unable to travel to the United States. As Roger Ver did not arrive on a ship and take the place over, it is probably he made one or more deals with people.  

6 thoughts on “Latest Fork Noise Arrives On Schedule

  1. Moar liek sorry for your floss, amirite.

  2. Yall noise is dubstep satoshi nakamoto gramatik cuz

  3. Pathetic small blocker propaganda.

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