France Issues Humor Related Travel Warning For Visitors to the United States

The French government has updated its list of advisories for its citizens headed to the United States to include a warning that comments attitudes or jokes of a sexual nature which would be harmless in civilized Latin countries can lead to criminal court in the United States, with even children susceptible to prosecution for a broad range of related charges. The addition to the advisory reads:

Des propos, attitudes ou plaisanteries, anodins dans les pays latins, peuvent mener au tribunal. Les plaintes pour harcèlement sexuel peuvent également être déposées contre les mineurs. Les enfants doivent utiliser, comme les adultes, les toilettes correspondant à leur sexe (il existe des « toilettes familiales » dans certains lieux publics comme les aéroports, permettant à un parent seul de s’occuper d’un jeune enfant, fille ou garçon).

This advisory joins others concerning hantavirus and other endemic diseases, urban crime, and the peculiar aggression of American police and prosecutors. In recent years the French government has come to issue some of the most pointed and useful travel advisories, particularly in comparison to other governments more submissive to diplomatic pressure from the United States. Specific examples of other useful hazards in the United States highlighted by France include:

  • The acute and potentially lethal danger posed by tornadoes and the importance of heeding issued tornado warnings to avoid the possibility of grave injury.
  • Areas of major cities which present and increased risk of crime including St Louis north of down town to the airport and a detailed description of the boundaries enclosing the Chicago neighborhoods which earned the city the nickname Chiraq.
  • Identity documents are routinely requested for inspection when purchasing alcoholic beverages or tobacco products.
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol and non-compliance with security measures during travel are highlighted as behaviors which can lead to particularly severe criminal sanctions.
  • The road network is "generally good" though many common weather events can any number of the roads degraded or entirely impassible.

This latest addition to France's list of advisories reflects the toxic effect the combined efforts culture warriors and the trend towards maximizing the range of criminally prosecutable behaviors in the United States has had. A nation that has descended further into the morass of economic socialism than the United States has must warn its citizens that in the cultural socialism of the United States their sense of humor may make them the victim of a criminal prosecution.

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