Clinton Sells Nuking Math

As the steak warm flystruck hamburger meat that is 2016 United States Presidential election continues its multi-year sizzle on the grill of public opinion, leading candidates from both sides of the divide are hustling hard for clicks, likes, headlines, and anything else that their analysts can measure.

Thus far, 16-season TV show and GOP candidate Donald Trump has grabbed the lion's share of the headlines with his blue collar appeal and timely villainisation of Mexicans, Mussulmen, and even Citizens of the Internet, thus covering most of the bases and leaving other Republican Party candidates, to say nothing of the Democratic Party candidates, to fight like hyenas over the payot-like edges of political mindshare that the bankruptcy artist has so generously left behind.

Not ready to call it quits just yet, pre-Trump-sure-thing and Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton is doing her damnedest to not get schlonged as badly as she did by Hussein Bahamas. During the third Democratic debate at St. Anselm College in New Hampshire on December 19, 2015, which focused on both domestic and foreign policy issues, Mrs. Clinton revealed her desire to create a super-team à la Manhattan Project to break strong encryption, particularly in light of the red herring fallacies being bandied about by unscrupulous politicians, such as herself, following the November 13th Paris attacks. To quote from her recent debate against Martin O'Malley and Bernie Sanders:

I would hope that, given the extraordinary capacities that the tech community has and the legitimate needs and questions from law enforcement, that there could be a Manhattan-like project, something that would bring the government and the tech communities together to see they're not adversaries, they've got to be partners.

It doesn't do anybody any good if terrorists can move toward encrypted communication that no law enforcement agency can break into before or after. There must be some way.

Not willing to let Trump run away with voters who don't understand math, and despite the fact that nukes aren't much use in praxis, Hillary Clinton is ready to play ball (if not schlong) and to pick up the playbook her husband used during his administration. Twenty years ago, Bill Clinton tried to push the Clipper Chip onto consumers and failed miserably, but that doesn't mean that we've heard the last of USG-mandated "key escrow".

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