Deloitte: A Bitcoin Successor Is The Future Of Payments

Authored by William D. Eggers and Paul Macmillan of Deloitte, a document titled "Gov2020: A Journey into the Future of Government" details possible and probable changes to our society which await future would be governments. These changes, categorised as drivers which change the context in which government operates and trends which result in a shift in how government currently acts includes topics such as:

  • Demographic changes.
  • Security and privacy.
  • Economic drivers (including digital currencies.)
  • Digital technologies (including social media, mobile, analytics and the cloud.)
  • Exponential technologies (including 3D printing and robotics.)
  • Cyber-physical systems technologies (including drones for use in the delivery of goods, domestic policing, commercial and military applications.)

While only briefly mentioned, Deloitte claim decentralised crypto-currencies which build upon Bitcoin and not Bitcoin itself are the future alternative to today's cash and currency systems. Under the heading of "Digital currency mainstreamed", it reads:

2020 sees alternatives to cash and traditional currency systems gain momentum. Decentralized crypto-currencies—the successors of Bitcoin, Ripple, Peercoin, Namecoin, Litecoin and others—gain a toehold in a digital, largely cashless economy. Mobile payments are a natural extension of the digital lifestyle, while protection against digital theft becomes an imperative for regulatory agencies around the world.

The full document is available here as a PDF.

5 thoughts on “Deloitte: A Bitcoin Successor Is The Future Of Payments

  1. "Building off the early bitcoin example, currencies will take on new digital and databased forms in the near future."

    Bitcoin has been around for six years. 2020 is in five years.

    Self-serving flawed analysis, whether it's because they're truly retarded or because they're catering to an audience of true retards.

    • I get a sense that its a mixture of both flawed analysis and true retardation, with the knowledge that the audience is also retarded, and not able to pick up on glaring schoolboy howlers.

      These people namecheck Bitcoin everywhere they can whenever they write about the future; its just another thing on a list of things that they’ve read in a newspaper that looks like it has potential, and so they include it because they know other people have also read the same articles.

      In order to look like they have their finger on the pulse, and to not have droves of men saying, "What about Bitcoin" (and in the absence of the others, the others) They list it, just to be safe. Jerry Brito's interview on the Council of Foreign Affairs show is a perfect example of this class trying to show they have their finger on the pulse.

      The fact of the matter is they have nothing, can do nothing, and its only dawned on a scant few of them what all of this, Bitcoin, really means for the future.

  2. I am a little confused. What is the source or context of this doc? It's very weird, I can't believe this is serious.

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