US Kangaroo Court Issues Conviction For Kidnapped Antivirus Operator

On May 16, 2018, A USG kangaroo court convicted one Mr. Ruslan Bondars, a "non-citizen"1 of USG marionette state Latvia, of "one count of conspiracy to violate the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, and one count of computer intrusion with intent to cause damage".

Mr. Bondars was brutally kidnapped under colour of law by USG.FBI thugs, with the cooperation of local quislings;2 held incommunicado and flown in secret to USA; brought to "trial" — and summarily convicted of all charges — for operating a WWW site called Scan4you. This appears to have been a service essentially-identical to more well-known items like VirusTotal (the latter — acquired by Google in 2012, reputedly for $0.5B USD); visitors could submit executables and view results from testing their submissions against popular MS-Windows antivirus programs.

However, unlike VirusTotal and other USG properties, Scan4you did not forward all user submissions to USG agents (Microsoft, alphabet-soup agencies, et al). In the words of the prosecuting Freisler:

"Scan4you differed from legitimate antivirus scanning services in multiple ways. For example, while legitimate scanning services share data about uploaded files with the antivirus community and notify their users that they will do so, Scan4you instead informed its users that they could upload files anonymously and promised not to share information about the uploaded files with the antivirus community."

Mr. Bondars now faces a 35-year sentence, "…as a warning to those who aid and abet criminal hackers".

The "Newton's Laws" governing this type of witch trial are, of course, quite well-known:

"Practically speaking, understand that one does not get to exist in the US sphere without being a tool of the USG.

You can't have a bank that does banking : either it does policing work for the USG or it gets burned down. You can't be an investor : either you push the USG agenda ad idem or else they come take your shit." —
"On how the factored 4096 RSA keys story was handled, and what it means to you." (Mircea Popescu)

It appears that the NATO Reich is moving ahead with its long-term plan to add vulnerability research to the list (already occupied by, e.g., banking) of formally declared Reich monopolies.

  1. Mr. Bondars is a citizen of the USSR, and appears to have been, along with millions of others, "unpersoned" by the USG Baltic Bantustan formed after the May 1990 destruction of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic. Citizenship under the new regime was not granted to all persons lawfully residing there under the old one, but was contingent on demonstrating knowledge of the local monkey language (about a fifth of the population qualified) and taking a loyalty oath to the new quisling government. 

  2. Explicitly credited by USG: "The Government of Latvia, including the Latvia State Police International Cooperation Department, the Latvia State Police Cybercrime Unit, and the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Latvia – International Cooperation Division, provided assistance and support during the investigation." 

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