Building GNAT on MUSL, updated tar line

June 3rd, 2018

An update on the previous version.

The produced gcc compiler builds static executables and no dynamically linked executables.

For detailed instructions in how to run the script see the readme-2018-06-01.txt.

PGPy a review

May 29th, 2018

The code of PGPy1 sucks.

A good indication of the quality of a Python package is the 'requirements.txt' file, reproduced here;


The cryptography package will need to be reviewed separately. A quick view at the PYPI package index for cryptography is already good for some lulz2. The enum34 brings the Python 3 enumeration type to Python 2. Only one object is used from the package pyasn1 and the functionality provided in this object could all have been implemented in an hour in PGPy. If you see six as a requirement, you know you are in trouble. The six package is for when an package author wants to program in Python 2 but also wants to make it's3 program work in Python 3 without any conversion. So six indicates that you will be reading code that is not Python 2 and will use the from future import print_function, the from future import division and more. Any author writing packages requiring six can be safely negrated. The singledistpatch package is again something from Python 34. Based on these requirements alone, I conclude that PGPy sucks.

Next, the file in the pgpy directory. The code in this file failed to run on my systems and so triggered this review. The first class definition therein is an Armorable class. Clearly the authors did not know it is forbidden to define any -able class in Python. The Armorable class contains the full implementation of converting objects into armored5 text and vice versa. This is a mistake, as -able stands for Capable of being ..., the being in that fragment will need to be implemented by something else. If something is drinkable it usually does not drink itself, but is has properties that make it drinkable to someone. And which of it's many properties make it drinkable is determined by the drinker not by the drunk. Based on this class alone, I conclude that PGPy sucks.

Two classes in are defined with a meta class (the Armorable and the MetaDispatchable). The whole metaclass mess is defined in PEP-3119. Go and read it if you want to waste your time. The definition of MetaDispatchable provides for an extra complex and custom object-orientation. Remember, we are reviewing a package to handle PGP code. Another strike against PGPy and I will not bore you with more.

  1. Yes not pgpy or PGPY but PGPy []
  2. The first only example is with a Fernet symmetric encryption recipe as if that is something. []
  3. Yes it's []
  4. I'm not following Python 3 but clearly the development of Python 3 has gone over the deep end []
  5. A PGPism []

Convert a TMSR key to PGP

May 29th, 2018

A script is floating around to convert TMSR key format (e,n,comment) to a PGP key for digesting in phuctor. This script did not work on the machines I tried it on. Of course, the script is fine, it's PGPY that is broken. I could not get it to install. As I'm programming in python for a living and have all kinds of stupid in me, I decided to try and fix the pgpy code that failed to install. An hour was so spent and some material gathered for a future blog post, but not any working code1.

After that I decided to spent another hour making an alternative that uses only standard python modules. I read RFC 4880 a month ago, this left me with headache back then. The thing is unreadable. So to make this script, I made extensive use of the search function in my browser and only read those lines that helped in writing the script.

The script;

import struct
import time
import sys
import base64
import math

# some format strings for the struct module
# these are used to encode integers and shorts to arrays of bytes
# '>' stands for big-endian as this is what is used in the PGP format
openpgp_publickey_format = ">BIB"
mpi_format = ">H"
packet_length_format = ">I"
crc_format = ">I"

# determine the index of the highest bit set to 1 in a number
def count_bits(B):
  R = 0
  i = 0
  while B > 0:
    i += 1
    if B & 0x1:
      R = i
    B >>= 1
  return R

# Convert a number to an array of bytes
# The bytes in the array are stored in big-endian order.
# The most significant byte is stored as the first item
# in the array
def number_to_bytes(B):
  R = []
  bits = 0
  while B > 0xff:
    bits += 8
    R.append(B & 0xff)
    B >>= 8
  bits += count_bits(B)
  return bits, ''.join(map(chr, reversed(R)))

# An MPI is a byte array that starts with a two byte
# length header. The length is given in bits.
def number_to_mpi(B):
  C, A = number_to_bytes(B)
  return struct.pack(mpi_format, C) + A

# A PGP public key header consists of a byte "4",
# an integer (4 bytes) to denote the timestamp
# and a byte "1" (RSA).
def public_key_header(T):
  return struct.pack(openpgp_publickey_format, 4, T, 1)

# A public key packet is the public key header
# plus 2 MPI numbers, the RSA modulus (N) and
# the RSA exponent (e).
def public_key_packet(t, n, e):
  return ''.join((public_key_header(t), number_to_mpi(n), number_to_mpi(e),))

# A comment or userid packet is a string encoded as utf-8
def userid_packet(s):
  return s.encode('utf8')

# The PGP format is a stream of "packets".
# Each packet has a header. This header consists of a tag
# and a length field. The tag has flags to determine if it is a
# "new" or "old" packet.
# The only supported encoding in this scriptis "new".
def encode_packet(packet_bytes, tag = 6):
  # 0x80, 8th bit always set, 7th bit set --> new packet
  h = 0x80 | 0x40
  # 0-5 bits -> the tag
  h |= tag

  # convert the integer to a byte
  header = chr(h)

  # dude, this is totally how you may save 2 or 3 bytes with minimal complexity
  l = len(packet_bytes)
  if l < 192:
    header += chr(l)
  elif l < 8384:
    l -= 192
    o1 = l >> 0xff
    o2 = l & 0xff
    header += chr(o1 + 192) + chr(o2)
    header += chr(0xff) + struct.pack(packet_length_format, l)

  return header + packet_bytes

# When you encode binary data as an ascii text with base64
# this data becomes fragile. So a CRC code is needed to
# fix this.
def crc24(s):
  R = 0xB704CE
  for char in s:
    B = ord(char)
    R ^=  B << 16
    for i in range(8):
      R <<= 1;
      if R & 0x1000000:
        R ^= 0x1864CFB
  return R & 0xFFFFFF

# Create a public key for consumption by Phuctor.
# The public key needs to contain 2 packets
# one for the key data (n, e)
# one for the comment
# It must be in the armor / ascii format.
def enarmored_public_key(n, e, comment, t):
  R = []
  # the header
  R.append("-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----")

  # the packets in bytes
  A = encode_packet(public_key_packet(t, n, e), 6)
  A += encode_packet(userid_packet(comment), 13)

  # the packets in base64 encoding with line length max 76
  i = 0
  while i < len(s):
    i += 76

  # the CRC
  R.append("="+base64.b64encode(struct.pack(crc_format, crc24(A))[1:]))

  # the footer
  R.append("-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----")

  return 'n'.join(R)

# read a file with comma separated lines
# each line is in the TMSR format: e,n,comment
if __name__ == "__main__":
  ser = 1
  for x in sys.stdin:
    x = x.strip()

    # ignore empty lines
    if len(x) == 0 or x.startswith('#'):

    # the comment may contain comma's so split on the first 2
    e,n,comment = x.split(',', 2)

    t0 = int(time.time())
    with open("{0}.txt".format(ser), "wb") as stream:
      stream.write(enarmored_public_key(int(n), int(e), comment, t0))

    ser += 1

And the patch itself with signature;

  1. I've been reading code (both open and closed source) for a large part of my life. I started this whole career by typing over basic programs into my fathers Commodore 128 and then stumbled along. The code I read in these popular security programs (pgpy, openssl, openssh, pgp) is markedly worse than any I encountered before. I can only image the kind of cockroaches that are attracted to this foul smelling mess []

Building GNAT on MUSL, now always static

May 28th, 2018

An update on the previous version.

The produced gcc compiler builds static executables and no dynamically linked executables1.

For detailed instructions in how to run the script see the readme-2018-05-28.txt.

Updated!, the 2018-05-28 file contained a broken patch

New version!

  1. Building dynamically linked executables is controlled by a specfile. GCC has a builtin specfile, code for this file can be found in the gcc/config directory of the gcc source. The C++ and Ada front-ends have a slightly different handling of these settings and for these also some code had to be changed. The changes can be found in the 'gcc-4.9.adacore2016-2-musl.diff' file. []

Building GNAT on MUSL, now with partial and parallel build support

May 15th, 2018

An update on the previous version.

The previous version needed git for getting the source of libelf-compat, this was ripped out1.
The previous version cleaned and reused the build directory for different stages, this was changed to use a separate build directory for each stage and no more cleanup. Last, the script now builds with parallel make options, further speeding up the build process2.

  1. A tarred version of libelf-compat does exist on the internets, however that version does not match the one in the git repository. []
  2. The problem with building in parallel seemed to be with some of the ada specific build rules. But changing those rules did nothing to fix the problem. In fact, the installation of a previous step had failed. Which was a direct result of using the environment variable MAKEFLAGS, this environment variable is used in the scripts but also read in the make program. So, make install was run with parallel jobs and promptly failed. The actions of one of the rules used a variable in a loop and that variable was changed by an action in another rule. The fix was 2-fold, use MAKEOPTS, change the install step to always use make -j1. []

Building GNAT on MUSL, now with ARM 64-bit support

April 30th, 2018

An update on the previous version. I thought that version already supported ARM 64-bit processors1, but unfortunately it did not.

So another debug cycle ensued. As it turned out the code that is used to generate aarch64 instructions had a wrong #ifdef line. Once this bug was fixed, the next bug cropped up and with a mean time between a possible fix and the correct fix taking days, the whole exercise took weeks2. After a week or so, the cross-compiler seemed to work. Next, I wanted to compile a native compiler for the target platform with the help of the cross-compiler. Again, time was spent, and fortunately a compiler could be build and after some more work3 it can build the FFA code on aarch64 systems.

Some small things are left to do; the scripts can do with some clean-up and the native compilers are not tarred to a file, finally, I want to try little-endian ppc.

Update:The native compilers do not contain the gprbuild tool, this is still on the todo list.

  1. Build scripts designate these processors with 'aarch64'. []
  2. Try the fix, start a rebuild which will take an hour if unsuccessful and 3 if successful, look at it after half a day or more, see that it failed, try something else, etc. etc. []
  3. It also needs an assembler and a C library []

Sending arrays of octets between C and Ada

March 2nd, 2018

The Ada language and the C language have a very different concept of strings and characters. I'll try to follow Ossasepia and use the term octet for an 8 bit integer and use char for C and Character for Ada. In Ada the Character is defined as an enumerated type ranging from the Ada.Characters.Latin_1.NUL (Character'Val (0)) character to the Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LC_Y_Diaeresis (Character'Val (255)) character. This range is exactly the same as the range of all valid octets and so characters can be stored as octets. As characters are supposed to represent another domain as natural numbers these need to be converted back and forth through the Character'Val and Character'Ord functions. In C all is a lot more muddier and a char can either be seen as an 8 bit integer or as a symbol for a language, it all depends on the context. So far for context, now to address the cause, how to convert arrays of characters between C and Ada1. I consider the Char_Ptr support from the ada standard library out of bounds2, this investigation is based on the 'char_array' type from the Ada package `Interfaces.C. First, the code;

The code defines 5 different methods to interact with strings between C and Ada;

  1. The basic method, call a function from Ada to C. The character_array in Ada, will turn into a char * pointer in C. A parameter needs to be added to pass the length of the array.
  2. The basic method, now two way. Ada will call C and C will immediately call Ada. The Ada function uses a constrained character array so no count parameter is needed for it.
  3. A GNAT specific method, import a C function but use the Ada calling convention. The character_array in Ada will be a structure in C. This layout of this structure is based on how GNAT does this internally.
  4. Call to C as in (1), but then call Ada as in (3). Note that Ada methods can be exported using the Ada calling convention.
  5. Like (2) but now the Ada procedure does not have a constrained character array as parameter but an unconstrained one, so a count parameter is needed for Ada too.

First, to define the procedures (please also read the calling conventions section of the GNAT documentation):

with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;

package C_Array is

        -- The basic method, call C using a pointer and a count
        procedure C_Fill_1(CH : in out char_array; Count : Integer);
        pragma Import(C, C_Fill_1, "c_fill_1");

        -- Same method as 'C_Fill_1', but the C function will call Ada.
        procedure C_Fill_2(CH : in out char_array; Count : Integer);
        pragma Import(C, C_Fill_2, "c_fill_2");

        -- Same method as 'C_Fill_1', but the C function will call Ada using Ada calling conventions
        procedure C_Fill_3(CH : in out char_array; Count : Integer);
        pragma Import(C, C_Fill_3, "c_fill_3");

        -- Call to C using Ada calling conventions
        procedure C_Fill_4(CH : in out char_array);
        pragma Import(Ada, C_Fill_4, "c_fill_4");

        -- Same method as 'C_Fill_1', the C function will call Ada using an unconstrained array and a count.
        procedure C_Fill_5(CH : in out char_array; Count : Integer);
        pragma Import(C, C_Fill_5, "c_fill_5");

        -- For method 2, the C function will make a call to a function with a constrained array parameter
        subtype constrained_char_array is char_array(0 .. 100);
        procedure ADA_Fill_2(CH : in out constrained_char_array);
        pragma Export(C, ADA_Fill_2, "ada_fill_2");

        -- For method 3, the C function will make a call to Ada usinging Ada calling conventions.
        procedure ADA_Fill_3(CH : in out char_array);
        pragma Export(Ada, ADA_Fill_3, "ada_fill_3");

        -- For method 5, the C function will make a call to a function with a unconstrained array parameter
        subtype constrained_char_array is char_array(0 .. 100);
        procedure ADA_Fill_5(CH : in out char_array; Count: Integer);
        pragma Export(C, ADA_Fill_5, "ada_fill_5");

end C_Array;

Next, the more interesting bit, the C functions;

#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct B {
        size_t LB0;
        size_t UB0;
} B_t;

typedef struct U {
        char * P_ARRAY;
        B_t * P_BOUNDS;
} U_t;

void ada_fill_2(char * buffer);
void ada_fill_3(U_t array, int count);
void ada_fill_5(char * buffer, int count);

void c_fill_1(char * buffer, int count) {
        int i;

        printf("c_fill_1; buffer = %p, count = %dn", buffer, count);

        for(i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                buffer[i] = '1';

void c_fill_2(char * buffer, int count) {
        printf("c_fill_2; buffer = %p, count = %dn", buffer, count);

void c_fill_3(char * buffer, int count) {
        B_t b;
        U_t a;
        b.LB0 = 0;
        b.UB0 = count;
        a.P_ARRAY = buffer;
        a.P_BOUNDS = &b;

        printf("c_fill_3; buffer = %p, count = %dn", buffer, count);

        ada_fill_3(a, count);

void c_fill_4(U_t array) {
        int i = 0;
        char * buffer = array.P_ARRAY;

        printf("c_fill_4; buffer = %p, count = %dn", array.P_ARRAY, array.P_BOUNDS->UB0 - array.P_BOUNDS->LB0);

        for(i = array.P_BOUNDS->LB0; i <= array.P_BOUNDS->UB0; i++) {
                buffer[i] = '4';

void c_fill_5(char * buffer, int count) {
        printf("c_fill_5; buffer = %p, count = %dn", buffer, count);
        ada_fill_5(buffer, count);

The first 2 functions are simple. Because the array is constrained in Ada there is no need for the count parameter, however the actual length of the array in C must always be the same as the one in Ada. Next the two methods that took the most time to figure out. I could not find any useful description of the so called Ada Calling Convention. No such convention seems to be specified, and every ada implementation is free to implement this as they see fit. The C code will be tight to GNAT when using this method and maybe even specific versions of GNAT. The Ada calling convention for arrays is implemented in the interface between the GNAT frontend and the GCC backend3. In the interface, the GNAT code tree is converted into a GCC code tree, and most of these functions are recursive and try to get information from different parts of both trees. In short, reading this code is not that easy, but from the code I could determine that unconstrained arrays are send as a structure with two fields, one field is a pointer to the start of the array, and the other is a pointer to a structure having again two fields. This last structure has a field for the lower bound and one for the upper bound of the array. The exact layout of the structure was a bit harder to determine so an extra flag for the compiler was needed -fdump-tree-original4. From that dump, I could determine the structure5. The C function is not more secure with this structure, but the Ada implementation will be. Finally, we finish with the more usual way of calling an Ada function with an unconstrained character_array and a count variable.

For reference, the Ada implementation. Note that for the fifth case we cannot use the upper bound of the array. This upper bound is undefined (and in practice will be the maximum value of the given range type).

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Long_Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Long_Integer_Text_IO;

package body C_Array is

        -- We have a statically defined length so the range will be fine.
        -- The call in C code to this procedure must use a buffer with at least the constrained range.
        procedure ADA_Fill_2(CH : in out constrained_char_array) is
                Put(" lb=" & size_t'Image(CH'First));
                Put(" ub=" & size_t'Image(CH'Last));

                for I in CH'Range loop
                        CH(I) := To_C('2');
                end loop;
        end Ada_Fill_2;

        -- The call in the C code needs to send an Ada array.
        procedure ADA_Fill_3(CH : in out char_array) is
                Put(" lb=" & size_t'Image(CH'First));
                Put(" ub=" & size_t'Image(CH'Last));

                for I in CH'Range loop
                        CH(I) := To_C('3');
                end loop;
        end Ada_Fill_3;

        -- For calls from C without a constained type or ada array, an extra count parameter is needed.
        procedure ADA_Fill_5(CH : in out char_array; Count: Integer) is
                Put("ada_fill_5; count="); Put(Count);
                Put(" lb=" & size_t'Image(CH'First));
                Put(" ub=" & size_t'Image(CH'Last));

                -- the Range cannot be used, the 'Last index is wrong.
                for I in ch'First .. size_t(Count) loop
                        CH(I) := To_C('5');
                end loop;
        end Ada_Fill_5;
end C_Array;

The code includes a simple main program that calls all five functions;

with C_Array; use C_Array;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;

with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;

procedure Array_Main is
        work_array : char_array(0 .. 100);
        output_string : String(1 .. 101) := (others => ' ');
        C : Integer := 0;
        To_Ada(work_array, output_string, C, False);
        Put("c_fill_1 output ="); Put(output_string);

        To_Ada(work_array, output_string, C, False);
        Put("c_fill_2 output ="); Put(output_string);

        To_Ada(work_array, output_string, C, False);
        Put("c_fill_4 output ="); Put(output_string);

        To_Ada(work_array, output_string, C, False);
        Put("c_fill_4 output ="); Put(output_string);

        To_Ada(work_array, output_string, C, False);
        Put("c_fill_5 output ="); Put(output_string);

The output will be;

c_fill_1; buffer = 0x7ffdf87fd910, count = 100
c_fill_1 output =1111111111111111111111111111...
c_fill_2; buffer = 0x7ffdf87fd910, count = 100
ada_fill_2; lb= 0 ub= 100
c_fill_2 output =2222222222222222222222222222...
c_fill_3; buffer = 0x7ffdf87fd910, count = 100
ada_fill_3; lb= 0 ub= 100
c_fill_4 output =3333333333333333333333333333...
c_fill_4; buffer = 0x7ffdf87fd910, count = 100
c_fill_4 output =4444444444444444444444444444...
c_fill_5; buffer = 0x7ffdf87fd910, count = 100
ada_fill_5; count=        100 lb= 0 ub= 18446744073709551615
c_fill_5 output =5555555555555555555555555555...

A random remark; it is not a good idea to call To_Ada on the unconstrained array from method 56. First, To_Ada is not more efficient than a character by character conversion, in fact it is implemented as such. Second, To_Ada will use the Last parameter of the `character_array and that parameter is set to the maximum value of size_t (Ada will check on this bound but a segmentation fault will happen first). Either copy the character_array to a constrained character array first, or write a custom conversion function.

Another random remark; the Ada standard library can be studied with the Ada 2012 LRM and understood better with the GNAT source code. It helps to have a cross-referenced, browser readable version of the GNAT source code at hand (there is one in the GNAT Book, but that one is incomplete). To make such a version do:

0) Make a directory and go to it

    mkdir ada-html
    cd ada-html

1) Find the gnat runtime library
    (i.e. the directory containing adainclude and adalib)
    It should be in the gnat install directory,
    as the lib/gcc/<machine>/<gcc version>/ directory

    For AdaCore 2016, (linux 64bit) this directory can set with:

    RT_DIR = $(dirname `which gnatmake`)/../lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.9.4

2) Copy the source files from adainclude:

    cp $RT_DIR/adainclude/*.ad* .

3) Copy the ali files from adalib (needed for cross references):

    cp $RT_DIR/adalib/*.ali .

4) Make the html files with the `` script: -f -D *.ad*

5) Go to the 'html' directory and look (open index.htm in a browser):

    cd html
  1. I've done this a couple of times and my knowledge thus gained was largely anecdotal. This won't do for republic business so hence this article. []
  2. please read the GNAT source code file i-cstrin.adb'. This should put you off the idea of using the Char_Ptr []
  3. all the code can be found in the gcc/ada/gcc-interfaces directory []
  4. This flag will dump the gcc version of the tree in a somewhat readable fashion. The dump does omit information so it also needs to be followed by a recompile and dump with -fdump-tree-original-raw (see also the GCC Command Line Switches). The second dump can be used to determine the types of the fields in the structures []
  5. For every kind of array this structure will have the same field but the fields will have different types. For integer array, the pointer will be an integer pointer. For Strings the boundary fields (LB0/UB0) will be 32 bit integers. So this kind of interfacing needs to be repeated on a case by case bases []
  6. This can be determined from reading the code in the i-c.adb file []

GNAT and Zero Foot Print Runtimes

February 27th, 2018

Executables written in ADA and compiled with GNAT, include a portion of the GNAT runtime library, the C library and some start-up/shut-down code. The total sum of extra code bytes added to any statically compiled executable can easily become 2 megabytes. Most of this code will never be called. Good luck to you, if you want to read the decoded assembly lines of such an executable. As the same luck would have it, the GNAT system includes the possibility to compile code with a custom runtime library and GCC itself can use different C libraries.

The gnat compilers can use alternate GNAT runtimes. The most common use of such alternate runtimes is for embedded systems with little or no OS. A guide to building such an embedded runtime system can be found here12. This guide provided the basis for the runtime described here.

A minimal runtime can be found in the following vpatch;

The vpatch needs to be pressed, and the code can be build with gprbuild.

All optional code has been removed from the gpr project file3.

library project Gnat_Runtime is
   for Languages   use ("Ada");

   for Source_Dirs use ("adainclude");
   for Object_Dir use "obj";
   for Library_Kind use "static";
   for Library_Name use "gnat";
   for Library_Dir use "adalib";

   package Builder is
      for Default_Switches ("Ada") use (
              "-gnatg", "-gnatyN",
              "-gnatec=" & Gnat_Runtime'Project_Dir & "restrict.adc");
   end Builder;

   package Compiler is
      for Default_Switches ("Ada") use (
   end Compiler;

end Gnat_Runtime;

If you inspect the pressed directory, you can see that a GNAT runtime is a directory with two subdirectories adainclude and adalib. The adainclude directory needs to contain the ada library files, the adalib needs to contain the libgnat.a and the .ali files. The obj directory is for intermediary build products and can be safely deleted after a build. Notice that the two sub-directories adainclude and adalib are all that is needed for a GNAT runtime.

├── adainclude
│   ├──                  -- The Ada package (Pure, empty, just the root)
│   ├── a-inteio.adb             -- Ada.Integer_Text_IO (for Put function of an Integer)
│   ├──             -- Ada.Integer_Text_IO
│   ├── a-textio.adb             -- Ada.Text_IO (a few functions (Put, New_Line) for standard output)
│   ├──             -- Ada.Text_IO
│   ├──             -- For interaction with C
│   ├── last_chance_handler.adb  -- No exception handling, so a last_chance_handler is needed
│   ├──  --
│   ├── s-elaall.adb             -- Elaboration code, see file for explanation
│   ├──             --
│   ├── s-parame.adb             -- Parameters for the C interface, needed by the last_chance_handler
│   ├──             --
│   └──               -- The configuration of the runtime
├── adalib                       -- Output directory, will contain libgnat.a
│   └── README                   -- Placeholder
├── gnat_runtime.gpr             -- The gprbuild project file
├── obj                          -- Output directory for intermediate results
│   └── README                   -- Placeholder
├── README                       -- Very small explanation
└── restrict.adc                 -- Restrictions

The "" file is paramount in configuring any GNAT runtime library. This file is well documented in AdaCore's configurable runtime documentation. That document describes the AdaCore Pro code, it is also valid for the GPL version4. The file is also the file to put restrictions in, these restrictions will be valid for the runtime code and all code compiled with the runtime.

The "|adb" files are necessary as the default exception handling mechanism is not included in this runtime (and the "|adb" are needed for the last_chance_handler). The handler function needs to eat C strings, so some very ugly Ada code is needed here5.

I've written two very basic examples to test this runtime6, one to test the size of the generated executable and one to test if the error handling still works as expected. These examples can be found in the following patch:

The examples can be build with the project file in the examples subdirectory. The examples work with the default runtime and the zfp runtime. To build with the zfp runtime do gprbuild --RTS=../. The example can be build with a glibc based gnat (GNAT AdaCore 2016) and a musl based gnat (using the MUSL build instructions), a small table;

C Library GNAT Runtime Executable Size (Kbytes) Stripped Size (Kbytes) Comments
GNU default 1226 851  
GNU zfp 962 738
MUSL default 669 122
MUSL zfp 60 54
  1. A very basic C hello world program also compiles into an executable of around 1Mb. Running nm on the generated binary is unnerving, it seems like a large portion of the gnu library is included by default. I've compiled the gnu library from source with the dynamic NSS library support turned off, this does not give any improvement. I've edited the startup code in the gnu c library, also without improvement on this point7.
  2. This needed a patch in the build process, by default the gnat library will not build with function and data sections8. Without these sections the executable size was 1641 Kbytes. The AdaCode GNAT 2016 static library was build with function sections and without any debug information9.
  3. It may be possible to get this even smaller, with the right options and restrictions the GNAT specific initialize and finalize functions can be removed. Maybe editing gnatbind and then recompiling could also result in less bytes. Both seem to me to be too much effort for the expected gain.

As it turns out, if only a limited set of the Ada library is employed, the default GNAT runtime does not add that much extra code to an executable.

Next, the '"constraint/constraint.adb"' file. The code in this file is designed to trigger a constraint error. For every constraint error the code should end up in the last_change_handler function. This is easily tested by running the constraint binary10.

  1. A WIKI, these still exist!. And it can only be accessed over HTTPS. Why?? []
  2. AdaCore also publishes code to generate Zero Foot Print runtimes or Bare metal BSPs. I could not get this script to work for an linux system. The code seems to support it, but no. []
  3. An alternative runtime library needs to be build with the -gnatg flag. This flag has a number of effects, one of them is to handle all warnings as if these where errors. Another is to enable style checking warnings. If you do not want to follow the GNAT style, these checks can be undone again with -gnatyN. []
  4. The document describes Zero Cost Exceptions, these are zero cost in time overhead, not in space, the amount of code this adds is not small. Also, as it is gcc backend code, you get gcc code, probably the same used for C++ exception handling. For less complexity and better understanding of the code, do without the whole Ada exception handling mechanism. []
  5. It makes sense to write the last_change_handler function in C. Unfortunately making the project an Ada + C project will result in a broken library. Some flags are removed from the compilation phase. These can be put back by updating the project file but so far that did not help. []
  6. I can report that FFA chapters 1 to 3 also work with the runtime []
  7. Some more things discovered, it is not possible to build just a static library by default. Also the library needs to be build with optimization on or the build will fail []
  8. To determine if a library was compiled with "-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections", run objdump -t <libraryname>.a. Look at the section of a function, if it is called .text then it was not compiled with the flags, if it is called .text.<functionname> then it was compiled with the flags. []
  9. Compiling the GNAT library without debug information proved to be one of the harder parts. The "-g" flag is sprinkled in many of the Makefiles of gcc. As a temporary fix, the adalib was build separately from the compiler, this last part needs to be included in the MUSL build instructions []
  10. You might think of restriction pragma's as providing checks against the source code. These checks will limit the kind of constructs you are allowed to make in writing Ada code. This is true for a lot of the restrictions, but not for the 'No_Exceptions' restriction. The No_Exceptions restriction will turn off all constraint checking. See the Ada 2012 LRM []

From the proverbial Peanut Gallery

February 13th, 2018

I've been investing a lot of time1 into The Republic and it's products to date. And now it seems to be dead in the water.

Reading the logs, reading, researching the FFA code, all these activities have helped to eradicate some of the cockroaches in my mind. A big step, setting up this blog, has been a victory. Sloppy thinking simply presents itself once layed down in written sentences, if not immediately then after a re-read or after comments by Stanislav. Also, not all thoughts can be put to paper, how is that2? So all this time has not been wasted.

But with the most probable demise of the BingoBoingo ISP, the whole republic is on very shaky footing.

Last Friday (or Saturday morning), Mircea Popescu correctly pulled the plug. Of the various reactions to be expected, we got none. Well, one!, Stanislav wanted to maybe take the business, but luckily he retreated3 45.

In the mean time Mircea Popescu has fired off a number of put downs in BingoBoingos' direction, in what feels to me to be an attempt to get same BingoBoingo of his ass. Unfortunately only self lamenting comments have been coming back6. Let's assume you want to stay in Uruguay, probably under another lords directions. You would want to show off that you can get busy7. Start working on a few issues;

  • Make a list of what has been done, was is to be done and was is being done8.
  • The rack contains one server so test and publish speeds for upload and download, sustained and peak etc.
  • Go online and figure out the import tariffs, yes on somethings you may need to play ball with the local government9.
  • Make a list of the local costs / delivery time for some of the parts and publish this10.
  • Read up on tax law in Uruguay, especially VAT etc, make some post about to show your understanding.
  • And think about this, once back, was the 1 BTC a loan? how would you pay this off? Or will this be a write-off on Mircea Popescus' side?. Simply the cost of doing business, or something.

As for the lords, "and now?", currently there is a rack11, there is a willing boy on the ground12, there is a bank-account, there is an office. A company is almost to be had for a given amount of coin13. I had every faith in being a client of an ISP business that is run / financed in some form by Mircea Popescu14, as he is committed to go for the long run. So, I hope the Lords will get of their asses.

  1. Considering that I've been reading the logs for about 1.5 yr, and increasing my meager involvement in little steps over the same period, I would say about 6 months. This is but a drop compared to the the investments made by the lords. []
  2. This is from a comment by Mircea Popescu either on trilema or in the logs. This needs be linked, and will be, but later []
  3. From my understanding of the logs and his blog, Stanislav is an Engineer. Brilliant in most things he will set out to do. However in the little of successful businesses I've seen, the great leader, the starter, the one who makes it a success, has a completely different character. As the starter you'll have to (what seems to an engineer) over-estimate the proceeds and about right estimate the costs. The engineer by definition has a keen feel for the costs but not so much for the proceeds. Or differently, the costs is something you can calculate now to a good certainty, the proceeds not. Taking risks is probably another factor. Also, a business starter without the sense to involve one ore more Engineer(s) is stupid and will fail. I fall in the same category as Stanislav, only I'm less brilliant and not so well educated, so I do have to work in the mines (but I do my best / most interesting work with men that have some sort of vision). []
  4. It must be noted that Stanislav is still the only one of the lords whot tries to stick his head out. []
  5. One of the first comments Stanislav makes is that he does not know how to run a VPS server, somehow supposing this is going to be the main business. If I would like to run a VPS server, I would like to do so with an expert or someone smart enough to either hire one or simply not be providing a VPS server. Instead of a VPS server, I would gladly pay money to run on a shared gentoo server managed by Stanislav (with users from the wot only). The possibilities of having an ISP with people you trust! But we digress []
  6. Yes, own up to your failure, but after that, start moving []
  7. And not by taking night time pictures of the local orc carnival []
  8. This has value even if you fly back []
  9. did you know this orcistan is in a free-trade zone with four others?. Governments are even known to publish exact tariff tables etc []
  10. It may not be worth sourcing locally, but how to figure this out? []
  11. at least partially paid for []
  12. Who is in the wot and even a lord! []
  13. Negotiations are possible. Or maybe to lords are such a wise bunch that they can think to pressure Mircea Popescu by letting time run out and so devaluate the whole business []
  14. And who is to say he will not be willing to provide key insights to help make this adventure into a success []

On FFA Chapter 2

February 12th, 2018

To be specific: "Finite Field Arithmetic." Chapter 2: Logical and Bitwise Operations.

The first section contains a short (re-)introduction and a list of additional files to download. With these files, the code can be updated and build again. This section is easy to follow and finish.

Next a short exposition on the early feedback on chapter 1, with the conclusion that W_Swap is now removed.

A definition of four predicate functions on Word types is given first. These are all very minimal and well designed. I could construct an alternative version of W_NZeroP, but it was so much more ugly than the published version. My stance on removing all unused functions is quickly becoming unattainable, clearly a general purpose library is being build and not a RSA specific one1. A retreat is in order, from now on everything dubious will be removed. Where dubious is an arbitrarily defined quality.

Next up, are 5 basic functions on the FZ type.

As FZ_Clear "illustrates the use of Ada's array assignment", we'll need to investigate it's consequences. We do not have to worry that this statement can be dependent on the array contents. We do have to worry about optimizations the compiler might perform (the famous memset removal in gcc). Let's try to create a small example with the FZ_Clear procedure2. First, a patch on the chapter 2 code:

The inline_always pragma has been moved from the 'fz_basics.adb' to '' in this patch.

The somewhat interesting code is in 'clear_mod.adb'.

with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

-- From FFA:
with Words;    use Words;
with FZ_Type;  use FZ_Type;
with FZ_Arith; use FZ_Arith;

-- FFA Ch. 2
with FZ_Basic; use FZ_Basic;
with FFA_IO;   use FFA_IO;

package body Clear_Mod is

   procedure Clear_Procedure is
      Z : FZ (0 .. 128);
      FZ_Set_Head (Z, 20);
      FZ_Clear (Z);
      Put_Line ("--- cleared: ---");
      Dump (Z);
      FZ_Set_Head (Z, 22);
      Z (2)   := 16#DEAD#;
      Z (3)   := 16#FAAF#;
      Z (4)   := 16#1001#;
      Z (100) := 16#0110#;
      Z (128) := 16#F1F1#;
      Dump (Z);
      FZ_Clear (Z);
   end Clear_Procedure;

   procedure Print_Procedure is
      Z : FZ (0 .. 256);
      Y : FZ (0 .. 132);
      Dump (Y);
      Put_Line ("--- <<<< ---");
   end Print_Procedure;

end Clear_Mod;

In clear_procedure we change a FZ, it is cleared, it's state is dumped on the terminal, some interesting words are put in the FZ and finally the FZ is cleared again. This last action is just to be sure that no information will be left on the stack after this procedure finishes. Without inlining, this function works perfectly3. With inlining, the code is different, the compiler will determine that the final clear is useless and remove it.

c/ffa/fzclear/bin/clear:     file format elf64-x86-64

Disassembly of section .text:

0000000000401530 <clear_mod__clear_procedure>:
  401530:       55                      push   %rbp
  401531:       48 89 e5                mov    %rsp,%rbp
  401534:       53                      push   %rbx
  401535:       48 81 ec 38 14 00 00    sub    $0x1438,%rsp
  40153c:       48 83 0c 24 00          orq    $0x0,(%rsp)
  401541:       48 81 c4 20 10 00 00    add    $0x1020,%rsp
  401548:       ba 14 00 00 00          mov    $0x14,%edx
  40154d:       be 30 c8 49 00          mov    $0x49c830,%esi
  401552:       48 8d 9d e0 fb ff ff    lea    -0x420(%rbp),%rbx
  401559:       48 89 df                mov    %rbx,%rdi
  40155c:       e8 ef 00 00 00          callq  401650 <fz_basic__fz_set_head>
  401561:       31 c0                   xor    %eax,%eax
  401563:       48 89 df                mov    %rbx,%rdi
  401566:       b9 81 00 00 00          mov    $0x81,%ecx
  40156b:       f3 48 ab                rep stos %rax,%es:(%rdi)
  40156e:       be 38 c8 49 00          mov    $0x49c838,%esi
  401573:       bf 20 c8 49 00          mov    $0x49c820,%edi
  401578:       e8 f3 2e 00 00          callq  404470 <ada__text_io__put_line__2>
  40157d:       48 89 df                mov    %rbx,%rdi
  401580:       be 30 c8 49 00          mov    $0x49c830,%esi
  401585:       e8 d6 fd ff ff          callq  401360 <ffa_io__dump__2>
  40158a:       bf 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edi
  40158f:       e8 bc 2a 00 00          callq  404050 <ada__text_io__new_line__2>
  401594:       ba 16 00 00 00          mov    $0x16,%edx
  401599:       48 89 df                mov    %rbx,%rdi
  40159c:       be 30 c8 49 00          mov    $0x49c830,%esi
  4015a1:       e8 aa 00 00 00          callq  401650 <fz_basic__fz_set_head>
  4015a6:       48 89 df                mov    %rbx,%rdi
  4015a9:       be 30 c8 49 00          mov    $0x49c830,%esi
  4015ae:       48 c7 85 f0 fb ff ff    movq   $0xdead,-0x410(%rbp)
  4015b5:       ad de 00 00
  4015b9:       48 c7 85 f8 fb ff ff    movq   $0xfaaf,-0x408(%rbp)
  4015c0:       af fa 00 00
  4015c4:       48 c7 85 00 fc ff ff    movq   $0x1001,-0x400(%rbp)
  4015cb:       01 10 00 00
  4015cf:       48 c7 85 00 ff ff ff    movq   $0x110,-0x100(%rbp)
  4015d6:       10 01 00 00
  4015da:       48 c7 45 e0 f1 f1 00    movq   $0xf1f1,-0x20(%rbp)
  4015e1:       00
  4015e2:       e8 79 fd ff ff          callq  401360 <ffa_io__dump__2>
  4015e7:       bf 01 00 00 00          mov    $0x1,%edi
  4015ec:       e8 5f 2a 00 00          callq  404050 <ada__text_io__new_line__2>
  4015f1:       48 81 c4 18 04 00 00    add    $0x418,%rsp
  4015f8:       5b                      pop    %rbx
  4015f9:       5d                      pop    %rbp
  4015fa:       c3                      retq
  4015fb:       0f 1f 44 00 00          nopl   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)

Another fortunate side-effect of reading the FFA chapters, is that I now have a good opportunity to learn x86 assembly language4. The final FZ_Clear implementation is removed from the procedure, so it follows that the values should be still on the stack and it may be possible to read these. And that is why the module also contains Print_Procedure, with some padding FZ and a FZ to capture the stack. On my local gnat installation (the gnat 2016 binary from adacore), the dump of Y shows the contents of the local variable Z from Print_Procedure. This is probably not what you would expect, the best option to me seems to make sure that FZ_Clear is never inlined. Unfortunately, I've not found a pragma Never_Inline.

With FZ_Get_Head and FZ_Set_Head we get some confusion of terminology, suddenly we are talking about a head or first or youngest word of an FZ. And it becomes clearer that the words in an FZ have an order and we are missing an exact definition of FZ outside of the code itself. Here is one attempt to do so, an FZ is a number5 between 0 and 2 to a given power. This power is determined by the number of words in a FZ multiplied by the number of bits in a word (the bitness). An FZ can be seen as the summation over the array of words that make up the FZ where each word is multiplied by 2 to the power of the bitness times the position of that word in the array. For the math to be a correct, we define the first word in the array to have position 06. As for a visual representation, when the words (and the bytes inside the words) are written from left to right, the tail or last or oldest word is written first and the head or first or youngest is written last. Although the FZ_Get_Head and FZ_Set_Head procedures triggered a nice train of thought, I would remove these.

The best is left for last in this module, FZ_Mux is indeed crucial. It's implementation in terms of W_Mux is trivial, so if you understand W_Mux all is well. I found one alternative for this function, but it is wasteful compared to this one. Image if you define a 2d array with as many rows as there are words in X and each row having two columns. Put each word in X in the first column of the corresponding row in the 2d array. Put each word in Y in the second column. Now the result can be formed by iterating over the array and accessing the element from the right column. Unfortunately, this hypothetical code based on a 2d array, accesses memory ever so slightly differently based on the Sel bit, and thus might leak information.

Next up, two unary predicate operators on the FZ type are introduced. The FP_ZeroP procedure can be used to determine if every word in the FZ has the value 0. The FP_OddP can be used to check if the last bit of the head word is set, and here FZ_Get_Head is not used in the implementation.

Three binary predicate operators are defined in fz_cmd.adb. The FZ_EqP procedure follows the pattern first seen in FP_ZeroP. The FZ_LessThanP and FZ_GreaterThanP are implemented in terms of the subtraction operator. The result is determined by the borrow. Now, you just have to determine if the order of the arguments for the FZ_Sub call is correct.

With a set of 7 bitwise operators, the introduction of the ffa library in chapter 2 is finished. In, binary operators are defined for two FZ operands, and separately for one FZ with one Word operand. These last versions work on the head word of an FZ, and we'll just have to see if there is any use for these procedures. Another remark, although these procedures could have been implemented in terms of the FZ_Get_Head / FZ_Set_Head procedures, again they have not. A final remark on the same procedures is that these modify the first input FZ operand where the full FZ procedures fill a third operand7.

We skip the demo and finish for the day, on to the next chapter!.

  1. This disclaimer was stated in channel and on the pages, so only my stupidity can be blamed []
  2. This is where I found a problem with the inlining on my GNAT installation. After resolving this we can continue. []
  3. If you turn off the inlining, you will see that the array assignment will be implemented as a memset []
  4. The first FZ_Clear call is inlined and implemented on the rep stos line. The xor %eax, %eax sets the 32bits %eax register to 0, which by extension also set the overlapping 64bits %rax to zero. The value in the first argument to the rep stos is therefore 0. []
  5. For a good book on numbers, read Frege []
  6. This in contrast to most of the actual ada code where the array indexing starts at 1. []
  7. I do not know the use for these functions. If we see a word as a FZ type of any length with that word as the head and all other words set to zero, then the implementation of FZ_And_W and FZ_Xor_W is wrong. []