Below, my notes to help me understand the boot code published here; The boot loader is the first code run after the BIOS (512 bytes long, and loaded by the BIOS) and it in turn will load the rest OS / application, switch to 64bit mode and start to execute that code.
;; Boot Loader - QEMU Variant
payload_blocks equ 14 ;; N * 512b blocks to load
stack_top equ 0x90000 ;; top of stack
kernel_offset equ 0x1000 ;; bottom of kernel
A number of constants is defined, the assembler will replace all occurrences of these names with the values after equ.
All lines after the '[BITS 16]' statement will be compiled for 16-bit intel. The boot process always starts with the processor in "real mode", in this mode all code is supposed to follow the 8086, 16 bit command set.
Code and data can be compiled into sections, the boot program will be contained in a single section which is labelled with ".text".
First line of actual code, a jump instruction to the body of the code. Between the jmp and the body, some data and utility functions can be defined.
dw gdt_end - gdt - 1 ; GDT limit
dw gdt ; GDT base
A definition for a Global Descriptor Table. This particular definition is for an empty table with just one entry. This GDT will not be used and can be removed from the file. A GDT is a simple vector of 64-bit (8 byte) elements. A register will contain the length of the table and a pointer to the table, first 2 bytes encode the length (in bytes, not in elements), second 2 bytes the position. The length in bytes must be decreased by 1.
gdt: times 8 db 0 ; null descriptor
gdt64 dq 0x0000000000000000
.code equ $ - gdt64
dq 0x0020980000000000
.data equ $ - gdt64
dq 0x0000900000000000
A definition for a GDT that will be used. The first element is zero (apparently bios programs may expect this), the second is for the code section. The statement on line 18 defines a constant (and is not the same as .code section in assembly or object files), the constant will have a value of 8. The code segment element defines the offset in memory where that segment starts, its' size and some flags. To decode the GDT, label the bytes from right the left starting at 0 and ending at 7. The base, (start address position, in bytes or pages) is constructed from bytes 7, 4, 3, 2, and is a 32 bits value. The size, (number of bytes or pages) is constructed from 0 and 1 and half of 6. The other half of 6 defines the size flags. Byte 5 is used for flags. In the number 0x0020980000000000, base and limit are both zero. The size field is 0x2 or 0b0010, which means this is a 64bit descriptor. The flags field is 0x98, or 0b10011000, from high to low, high bit set == valid entry, 00 == privilege, ring 0, 1 == always set, 1 == executable, 0 == code can be run only in ring level 0, 0 == code segment cannot be read (can never be written to by definition), 0 == accessed bit, will be set by processor. Line 22 + 23 is for the description of a data block with the same base as the code block, this is not a 64bit segment. The flags are, 0x90, or 0b1001000, which means a valid data entry, with ring 0 privilege that grows up and is not writable. The last entry is not an entry in the table but the contents for the GDT register. First a 16bit length in bytes (minus the 1), next the 16bit position of the start of the table. How these flags, bases and lengths work out will hopefully become clear in the memory handling code.
db 0x10
db 0
d_blk: dw payload_blocks ; int 13 resets this to # of blocks actually read/written
db_off: dw after_me ; memory buffer destination offset
db_seg: dw 0 ; memory buffer destination segment
d_lba: dd 1 ; put the lba to read in this spot
dd 0 ; more storage bytes only for big lba's ( > 4 bytes )
The BIOS provides services to the boot program, one of these services is reading sectors from the disk. The service needs a structure filled with the number of sectors to read from the disk (14 in this code), were to put the read data (just after the code that was loaded from the same disk and is now running) and the LBA address (1 is the block just after the boot block).
mov si, DiskPacket ; address of "disk address packet"
mov ah, 0x42 ; AL is unused
mov dl, [BootDrv]
or dl, 0x80 ; drive number 0 (OR the drive # with 0x80)
int 0x13
jc bad_disk
inc dword [d_lba]
mov si, disk_sad_msg
call print
jmp halt
The call to read block from the hard disk, the bios will load the first block and put this block at 0x7c00. The other blocks will need to be loaded by the boot code (and will be placed 0x7e00). This is a standard implementation of how to call the bios and load the blocks. This service is activated by the 0x13 interrupt with the AH register set to 0x42 and the DL register set to the boot drive. The service will set the carry flag on any error, and the boot code will then print a message and halt the machine. As for line 47, I have no idea why the word at the d_lba address needs to be increased.
;; Print string at si using bios console
mov al, [si]
inc si
or al, al
jz end_print ; end at NUL
mov ah, 0x0e ; op 0x0e
mov bh, 0x00 ; page number
mov bl, 0x07 ; color
int 0x10 ; INT 10 - BIOS print char
jmp print
Print characters in a zero delimited buffer one at the time using a bios service.
start_msg db 13, 10, "Loading payload from disk...", 13, 10, 0
end_msg db "Running Payload...", 13, 10, 0
disk_sad_msg db "Disk Error!", 13, 10, 0
Text strings to print, 13 == CR, 10 == LF, 0 is end of string byte
BootDrv db 0 ; drive that we booted from
Byte to store the number of the boot drive
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
Set ax to zero and copy this value into ds (data segment), es (extra segment), ss (stack segment).
mov bp, 0x9c00 ; init realmode stack
mov sp, bp
Setup a stack location, note that this is 8k bytes removed from the start of the boot code. The current minimal OS code is 3.3k so this is far away removed.
The stack is only used for a couple of calls in this boot rom and will not grow down by more than 1 word (the IP pointer will be pushed on the stack).
mov [BootDrv], dl ; where we booted from
The bios will fill the lower part of the dx register with the index of the boot drive, store this index in memory
mov si, start_msg
call print
Print a start message to the boot screen
Read the rest of the rom
mov si, end_msg
call print
Print an end message, rom has been read
Clear all status flags
;; enable a20
call a20_loop
jnz a20_done
mov al, 0xD1
out 0x64, al
call a20_loop
jnz a20_done
mov al, 0xDF
out 0x60, al
mov ecx, 0x20000
jmp short a20_c
in al, 0x64
test al, 0x2
loopne a20_loop_2
A internet search for the A20 line in intel processors will inform you on some interesting properties of the intel processors. In short, the 20th address line is disabled at boot and no memory above 1mb can be accessed, to get to 64bit mode the address line has to be enabled. The most standard method to enable the line is to send a message to the keyboard controller and this is done in this code. Strangely the a20_loop code is missing a 'ret' statement after line 118 and even if ret is added, the statements at 104 and 108 will do nothing as the loop will only finish when the Z-flag is not set. The jump at line 114 is get a small delay. At line 110 and extra call to the loop and an unconditional jump to a20_done should be added. The boot rom works, but only because the qemu bios already enables the a20 flag.
Build a PML4 page table, first setup registers. I will need to look-up how these page tables work. Set the BX register to 0 and copy this value to the ES. ES should still be zero from the code at line 88 but it maybe that the register was changed in the bios code.
Clear direction pointer, for the following string operations.
mov di, 0xA000
mov ax, 0xB00F
Store the value 0xB00F at address 0xA000 and increase di.
xor ax, ax
mov cx, 0x07FF
rep stosw
Store the word (2 byte) value 0 for 2047 times, will set 4k bytes to zero.
rep stosw
mov ax, 0xC00F
xor ax, ax
mov cx, 0x07FF
rep stosw
The PDP table, start with 0xC00F, repeat zeros
mov ax, 0x018F
xor ax, ax
mov cx, 0x07FF
rep stosw
The PD table, start with 0x018F, repeat zeros
This ends the set-up of the paging tables.
mov eax, 10100000b ; PAE, PGE
mov cr4, eax
To enable 64bit two bits in the CR4 control register need to be set; (1) the Physical Address Extension (bit 5) when set will enable 36 bit instead of 32 bit addresses and (2) Page Global Enable (bit 7) when set will enable global pages that are maintained for all tasks. The Intel documentation notes that the PG flag (in CR0) must be set first, in this code it will be set after this statement at line 151-153. Note that even in REAL mode the 32bit registers are available.
mov edx, 0x0000A000 ; PML4
mov cr3, edx
The address of the paging table is stored in CR3 (and 0xA000 was used in the setup for the paging tables)
mov ecx, 0xC0000080 ; EFER.LME
rdmsr ; long mode!
or eax, 0x00000100
Change a Model Specific Register, the address of the register must be put in ECX and the value of the register will be put in EAX and EDX. In this case a bit in the MSR IA32_EFER must be set, its' address is 0xC0000080. The bit will enable the IA-32e mode as no flag is set in the Code Segment descriptor bits, the mode will be the so called "compatibility mode". The actual model (64bit or less) will then be determined from the GDT and in the GDT the 64bit flag was set.
mov ebx, cr0 ; long mode
or ebx, 0x80000001 ; Paging and protection
mov cr0, ebx ; Skip pmode
Enable paging
The GDT register is loaded, and CPU will use the GDT from now on
jmp gdt64.code:longmode ; CS, 64b seg
A mixed size jmp, nasm implements code for this. As gdt4.code points to a quad word (8 bytes, 64 bits) the jmp is into a 64 bit segment.
Generate 64 bit code starting from this point
;; set up new code/data/stack segments
mov ebp, stack_top
mov esp, ebp
extern main
jmp main
Setup C stack and call main
Fill up any leftover space with zero bytes but leave out the 2 last bytes
All boot sectors end with two bytes,0xAA and 0x55
Label to use for loading the data from this disk into physical memory.