- 829AA035034216A965A6FDB18CC9039D873575B8F4CB592178928A830EE2F35AE58210349277ECEA5ECF70D1BA615F61F3443322FB7E650C5EA39954288358AC
(1 . 135)(0 . 0)
499 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
500 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
501 -- You do not have, nor can you ever acquire the right to use, copy or --
502 -- distribute this software ; Should you use this software for any purpose, --
503 -- or copy and distribute it to anyone or in any manner, you are breaking --
504 -- the laws of whatever soi-disant jurisdiction, and you promise to --
505 -- continue doing so for the indefinite future. In any case, please --
506 -- always : read and understand any software ; verify any PGP signatures --
507 -- that you use - for any purpose. --
508 -- --
509 -- See also http://trilema.com/2015/a-new-software-licensing-paradigm . --
510 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
511 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
513 package System is
514 pragma Pure;
515 -- Note that we take advantage of the implementation permission to make
516 -- this unit Pure instead of Preelaborable; see RM 13.7.1(15). In Ada
517 -- 2005, this is Pure in any case (AI-362).
519 pragma No_Elaboration_Code_All;
520 -- Allow the use of that restriction in units that WITH this unit
522 type Name is (SYSTEM_NAME_GNAT);
523 System_Name : constant Name := SYSTEM_NAME_GNAT;
525 -- System-Dependent Named Numbers
527 Min_Int : constant := Long_Long_Integer'First;
528 Max_Int : constant := Long_Long_Integer'Last;
530 Max_Binary_Modulus : constant := 2 ** Long_Long_Integer'Size;
531 Max_Nonbinary_Modulus : constant := 2 ** Integer'Size - 1;
533 Max_Base_Digits : constant := Long_Long_Float'Digits;
534 Max_Digits : constant := Long_Long_Float'Digits;
536 Max_Mantissa : constant := 63;
537 Fine_Delta : constant := 2.0 ** (-Max_Mantissa);
539 Tick : constant := 0.000_001;
541 -- Storage-related Declarations
543 type Address is private;
544 pragma Preelaborable_Initialization (Address);
545 Null_Address : constant Address;
547 Storage_Unit : constant := 8;
548 Word_Size : constant := Standard'Word_Size;
549 Memory_Size : constant := 2 ** Word_Size;
551 -- Address comparison
553 function "<" (Left, Right : Address) return Boolean;
554 function "<=" (Left, Right : Address) return Boolean;
555 function ">" (Left, Right : Address) return Boolean;
556 function ">=" (Left, Right : Address) return Boolean;
557 function "=" (Left, Right : Address) return Boolean;
559 pragma Import (Intrinsic, "<");
560 pragma Import (Intrinsic, "<=");
561 pragma Import (Intrinsic, ">");
562 pragma Import (Intrinsic, ">=");
563 pragma Import (Intrinsic, "=");
565 -- Other System-Dependent Declarations
567 type Bit_Order is (High_Order_First, Low_Order_First);
568 Default_Bit_Order : constant Bit_Order := Low_Order_First;
569 pragma Warnings (Off, Default_Bit_Order); -- kill constant condition warning
571 -- Priority-related Declarations (RM D.1)
573 -- 0 .. 98 corresponds to the system priority range 1 .. 99.
574 --
575 -- If the scheduling policy is SCHED_FIFO or SCHED_RR the runtime makes use
576 -- of the entire range provided by the system.
577 --
578 -- If the scheduling policy is SCHED_OTHER the only valid system priority
579 -- is 1 and other values are simply ignored.
581 Max_Priority : constant Positive := 97;
582 Max_Interrupt_Priority : constant Positive := 98;
584 subtype Any_Priority is Integer range 0 .. 98;
585 subtype Priority is Any_Priority range 0 .. 97;
586 subtype Interrupt_Priority is Any_Priority range 98 .. 98;
588 Default_Priority : constant Priority := 48;
590 private
592 type Address is mod Memory_Size;
593 Null_Address : constant Address := 0;
595 --------------------------------------
596 -- System Implementation Parameters --
597 --------------------------------------
599 -- These parameters provide information about the target that is used
600 -- by the compiler. They are in the private part of System, where they
601 -- can be accessed using the special circuitry in the Targparm unit
602 -- whose source should be consulted for more detailed descriptions
603 -- of the individual switch values.
605 Backend_Divide_Checks : constant Boolean := False;
606 Backend_Overflow_Checks : constant Boolean := True;
607 Command_Line_Args : constant Boolean := False;
608 Configurable_Run_Time : constant Boolean := True;
609 Denorm : constant Boolean := True;
610 Duration_32_Bits : constant Boolean := False;
611 Exit_Status_Supported : constant Boolean := True;
612 Fractional_Fixed_Ops : constant Boolean := False;
613 Frontend_Layout : constant Boolean := False;
614 Machine_Overflows : constant Boolean := False;
615 Machine_Rounds : constant Boolean := True;
616 Preallocated_Stacks : constant Boolean := False;
617 Signed_Zeros : constant Boolean := True;
618 Stack_Check_Default : constant Boolean := False;
619 Stack_Check_Probes : constant Boolean := True;
620 Stack_Check_Limits : constant Boolean := False;
621 Support_Aggregates : constant Boolean := True;
622 Support_Atomic_Primitives : constant Boolean := True;
623 Support_Composite_Assign : constant Boolean := True;
624 Support_Composite_Compare : constant Boolean := True;
625 Support_Long_Shifts : constant Boolean := True;
626 Always_Compatible_Rep : constant Boolean := False;
627 Suppress_Standard_Library : constant Boolean := True;
628 Use_Ada_Main_Program_Name : constant Boolean := False;
629 Frontend_Exceptions : constant Boolean := False;
630 ZCX_By_Default : constant Boolean := True;
631 Run_Time_Name : constant String := "FFA Run Time";
633 end System;