v_mod6_genesis          1       ..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation: V Quick Start ]::..
v_mod6_genesis 2
v_mod6_genesis 3
v_mod6_genesis 4 Doc Version: 99994 K
v_mod6_genesis 5 Author: mod6
v_mod6_genesis 6 Fingerprint: 0x027A8D7C0FB8A16643720F40721705A8B71EADAF
v_mod6_genesis 7
v_mod6_genesis 8 0x00]: Introduction
v_mod6_genesis 9
v_mod6_genesis 10 Welcome to V!
v_mod6_genesis 11
v_mod6_genesis 12 This document is intended for the advanced user. This will get you up and
v_mod6_genesis 13 running quickly with V.
v_mod6_genesis 14
v_mod6_genesis 15 0x01]: What's required?
v_mod6_genesis 16
v_mod6_genesis 17 0x010: perl 5.005 or greater
v_mod6_genesis 18 0x011: cpan | cpanm [CPAN | cpanminus]
v_mod6_genesis 19 0x012: Graph::Easy [Nice to have, not required]
v_mod6_genesis 20 0x013: graphviz [Nice to have, not required]
v_mod6_genesis 21 0x014: gpg [GnuPG]
v_mod6_genesis 22 0x015: wget
v_mod6_genesis 23
v_mod6_genesis 24 0x02]: Where do I get V ?
v_mod6_genesis 25
v_mod6_genesis 26 curl -s http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20170317.tar.gz \
v_mod6_genesis 27 -o V-20170317.tar.gz
v_mod6_genesis 28 curl -s http://thebitcoin.foundation/v/V-20170317.tar.gz.mod6.sig \
v_mod6_genesis 29 -o V-20170317.tar.gz.mod6.sig
v_mod6_genesis 30
v_mod6_genesis 31 gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net \
v_mod6_genesis 32 --recv-keys 0x027A8D7C0FB8A16643720F40721705A8B71EADAF
v_mod6_genesis 33
v_mod6_genesis 34 gpg --verify V-20170317.tar.gz.mod6.sig V-20170317.tar.gz
v_mod6_genesis 35
v_mod6_genesis 36 If the signature is good, now extract the archive.
v_mod6_genesis 37
v_mod6_genesis 38 tar -xf V-20170317.tar.gz
v_mod6_genesis 39
v_mod6_genesis 40 0x03]: How do I setup V?
v_mod6_genesis 41
v_mod6_genesis 42 First, set the executable bit on v.pl:
v_mod6_genesis 43
v_mod6_genesis 44 chmod +x v.pl
v_mod6_genesis 45
v_mod6_genesis 46 Next, create a WoT directory (V will look for '.wot' in the current working
v_mod6_genesis 47 directory by default):
v_mod6_genesis 48
v_mod6_genesis 49 mkdir -p .wot
v_mod6_genesis 50
v_mod6_genesis 51 Then, place WoT pubkeys into the '.wot' directory. Name the pubkey files
v_mod6_genesis 52 as such: <wotid>.asc
v_mod6_genesis 53
v_mod6_genesis 54 For example: mod6.asc
v_mod6_genesis 55
v_mod6_genesis 56 0x04]: It's my first time running V now what?
v_mod6_genesis 57
v_mod6_genesis 58 First, check the available signed mirrors:
v_mod6_genesis 59
v_mod6_genesis 60 ./v.pl m mirrors
v_mod6_genesis 61
v_mod6_genesis 62 Then run the intial sync of the vpatches and seals from a given mirror:
v_mod6_genesis 63
v_mod6_genesis 64 ./v.pl i http://thebitcoin.foundation
v_mod6_genesis 65
v_mod6_genesis 66 0x05]: Now that I've sync'd from a mirror, what's next?
v_mod6_genesis 67
v_mod6_genesis 68 The rest is up to you, either refer to the Users Guide for a detailed
v_mod6_genesis 69 description of each option in V or just execute V and read the long
v_mod6_genesis 70 help message:
v_mod6_genesis 71
v_mod6_genesis 72 ./v.pl help