+ E2EC62B3B129132A0CC386715F1ADEF4E6F0BD5B742F21F2CAB065823D04D634B21B9CDC88471ACADB0C3116A21D30FEF0DFA1CB44F0FF2DE47E190F2DF62EC4
(0 . 0)(1 . 817)
24 ;; Andrew Erlanger, 2018
25 ;; http://wot.deedbot.org/EDB93AD2CAB28398010B46D025C71657FDA71DC2.html
26 ;;
27 ;; You do not have, nor can you ever acquire the right to use, copy or
28 ;; distribute this software. Should you use this software for any purpose, or
29 ;; copy and distribute it, to anyone or in any manner, you are breaking the
30 ;; laws of whatever soi-disant "sovereign jurisdiction" you may be deemed to
31 ;; be located within, and you promise to continue doing so in the indefinite
32 ;; future.
34 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
35 ;; contents
36 ;;; package definition
37 ;;; global tuning parameters
38 ;;; error conditions
39 ;;; subprocess management
40 ;;; classes
41 ;;; printing objects
42 ;;; generics
43 ;;; validation using gpg
44 ;;; loading vpatches
45 ;;; applying vpatches
46 ;;; generating the dependency graph
47 ;;; topologically sorting a directed graph
48 ;;; procedures to assist main operations
49 ;;; main operations
50 ;;; for use as a binturd
52 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
53 ;; package definition
55 (cl:defpackage "V"
56 (:use "COMMON-LISP")
57 (:export "FLOW" "ROOTS" "LEAVES"
59 "PRESS"))
61 (in-package "V")
63 ;; sbcl 1.4.4 barfs on making an executable without this
64 #+sbcl (require :sb-posix)
66 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
67 ;; global tuning parameters
69 (defparameter *default-vpatch-dir* "./patches/")
70 (defparameter *default-wot-dir* "./wot/")
71 (defparameter *default-seal-dir* "./seals/")
72 (defparameter *default-keyring-dir-location* "./")
73 (defparameter *default-keyring-dir-template* "gpgXXXXXX")
74 (defparameter *gpg-location* "/usr/bin/gpg")
75 (defparameter *patch-location* "/usr/bin/patch")
76 (defparameter *rm-location* "/bin/rm")
78 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
79 ;; error conditions
81 (define-condition bad-public-key (error)
82 ((text :initarg :text :reader text))
83 (:documentation "Raised if gpg failes to load a public key.")
84 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
85 (format stream
86 "GnuPG failed to import key ~S."
87 (text condition)))))
89 (define-condition bad-seal (error)
90 ((text :initarg :text :reader text))
91 (:documentation "Raised if gpg detects a bad signature.")
92 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
93 (format stream
94 "GnuPG failed to verify seal ~S."
95 (text condition)))))
97 (define-condition cyclic (error)
98 ()
99 (:documentation "Cycle encountered during topological sort."))
101 (define-condition no-seal (error)
102 ((text :initarg :text :reader text))
103 (:documentation "Raised if a vpatch has no seal.")
104 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
105 (format stream
106 "Failed to find a seal for vpatch ~S."
107 (text condition)))))
109 (define-condition output-dir-dne (error)
110 ((text :initarg :text :reader text))
111 (:documentation "Raised if the output dir does not exist.")
112 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
113 (format stream
114 "Output directory not found at location ~S."
115 (text condition)))))
117 (define-condition patch-failure (error)
118 ((text :initarg :text :reader text))
119 (:documentation "Raised if a patching operation fails.")
120 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
121 (format stream
122 "Failed to apply vpatch ~S."
123 (text condition)))))
125 (define-condition unsupported-cl (error)
126 ()
127 (:documentation "Unsupported Common Lisp implementation detected."))
129 (define-condition vpatch-lookup (error)
130 ((text :initarg :text :reader text))
131 (:documentation "Raised when no vpatch matches a search pattern.")
132 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
133 (format stream
134 "Failed to find vpatch matching ~S."
135 (text condition)))))
137 (define-condition wot-dir-creation (error)
138 ((text :initarg :text :reader text))
139 (:documentation "Raised if a wot dir does not exist.")
140 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
141 (format stream
142 "Failed to make temporary WoT directory: ~S."
143 (text condition)))))
145 (define-condition wot-dir-dne (error)
146 ((text :initarg :text :reader text))
147 (:documentation "Raised if a wot dir does not exist.")
148 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
149 (format stream
150 "WoT directory not found at location ~S."
151 (text condition)))))
153 (define-condition keyring-dir-dne (error)
154 ((text :initarg :text :reader text))
155 (:documentation "Raised if the parent directory for the temporary
156 keyring dir does not exist.")
157 (:report (lambda (condition stream)
158 (format stream
159 "Keyring parent directory not found at location ~S."
160 (text condition)))))
163 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
164 ;; subprocess management
166 (defun run-subprocess (program args)
167 #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-exit-code (sb-ext:run-program program args))
168 #+ccl (nth-value 1 (ccl:external-process-status
169 (ccl:run-program program args)))
170 #-(or :sbcl :ccl) (error 'unsupported-cl))
173 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
174 ;; classes
176 (defclass subpatch ()
177 ((path :initarg :path :reader path)
178 (pre-hash :initarg :pre-hash :reader pre-hash)
179 (post-hash :initarg :post-hash :reader post-hash))
180 (:documentation "A subpatch is a patch for a single file."))
182 (defclass vpatch ()
183 ((name :initarg :name :reader name)
184 (subpatches :initarg :subpatches :reader subpatches)
185 (path :initarg :path :reader path)
186 (seals :initarg :seals :reader seals))
187 (:documentation "A representation of a vpatch."))
189 (defclass wot ()
190 ((basename :initarg :basename :reader basename)
191 (homedir :initarg :homedir :reader homedir)
192 (key-names :initarg :names :reader names))
193 (:documentation ""))
195 (defclass directed-edge ()
196 ((head :initarg :head :reader head)
197 (tail :initarg :tail :reader tail))
198 (:documentation "A directed edge of a directed graph."))
200 (defclass directed-graph ()
201 ((vertices :initarg :vertices :reader vertices)
202 (edges :initarg :edges :reader edges))
203 (:documentation "A directed graph, consisting of vertices
204 and directed edges."))
207 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
208 ;; printing objects
210 (defmethod print-object ((obj subpatch) stream)
211 (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t)
212 (labels ((fingerprint (hash-string)
213 (if (equal "false" hash-string)
214 "_"
215 (subseq hash-string (- (length hash-string) 4)))))
216 (format stream
217 "~a -> ~a"
218 (fingerprint (pre-hash obj))
219 (fingerprint (post-hash obj))))))
221 (defmethod print-object ((obj vpatch) stream)
222 (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t)
223 (princ (name obj) stream)))
225 (defmethod print-object ((obj wot) stream)
226 (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t)
227 (princ (basename obj)
228 stream)))
231 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
232 ;; generics
234 (defgeneric remove-wot (wot))
235 (defgeneric check-trust (vpatch wot))
236 (defgeneric patch (vpatch output-dir))
237 (defgeneric alignedp (obj1 obj2))
238 (defgeneric alignment (obj1 obj2))
239 (defgeneric adjacentp (obj1 obj2))
240 (defgeneric parentp (vp1 vp2))
241 (defgeneric toposort (obj))
244 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
245 ;; validation using gpg
247 ;; credit: phf and trinque
248 (defun make-temp-dir (path)
249 "Makes a temporary directory by calling the foreign function mkdtemp.
251 Returns the NAMESTRING of the path of the temporary directory.
253 Raises WOT-DIR-CREATION of the directory creation fails."
254 #+sbcl (let ((noerrors nil)
255 (p nil))
256 (ignore-errors
257 (setq p (sb-posix:mkdtemp (namestring path)))
258 (setq noerrors t))
259 (if noerrors
260 p
261 (error 'wot-dir-creation :text (namestring path))))
262 #+ccl (ccl:with-cstrs ((s (namestring path)))
263 (if (ccl:%null-ptr-p (#_mkdtemp s))
264 (error 'wot-dir-creation :text (namestring path))
265 (ccl:%get-cstring s))))
267 (defun make-wot (&key
268 (wot-dir *default-wot-dir*)
269 (keyring-dir-location *default-keyring-dir-location*)
270 (keyring-dir-template *default-keyring-dir-template*))
271 "Generates a gpg keyring under KEYRING-DIR, loading
272 in all in WOT-DIR ending in .asc .
274 Returns a WOT object corresponding to the generated keyring.
276 Raises WOT-DIR-DNE if WOT-DIR does not exist.
278 Raises KEYRING-DIR-DNE if KEYRING-DIR does not exist. Note that this procedure
279 attempts to create KEYRING-DIR if it does not exist.
281 Raises BAD-PUBLIC-KEY if gpg fails to import a key."
282 (if (not (probe-file wot-dir))
283 (error 'wot-dir-dne :text wot-dir))
284 (if (not (probe-file keyring-dir-location))
285 (error 'keyring-dir-dne :text keyring-dir-location))
286 (let ((homedir (make-temp-dir
287 (merge-pathnames (make-pathname :name
288 keyring-dir-template)
289 keyring-dir-location))))
290 (make-instance
291 'wot
292 :homedir homedir
293 :basename (file-namestring homedir)
294 :names (mapcar #'(lambda (w)
295 (let ((name (namestring w)))
296 (if (not (eq 0
297 (run-subprocess
298 *gpg-location*
299 (list "--homedir"
300 homedir
301 "--import"
302 name))))
303 (error 'bad-public-key :text name)
304 (file-namestring name))))
305 (directory (concatenate 'string wot-dir "*.asc"))))))
307 (defmethod remove-wot ((w wot))
308 "Unlink the files associated with w. Note that w itself is unaffected."
309 (run-subprocess *rm-location* (list "-rf" (homedir w))))
311 (defmacro with-wot (symb &rest body-forms)
312 (check-type symb symbol)
313 `(let ((,symb (make-wot)))
314 (let ((rtn (progn ,@body-forms)))
315 (remove-wot ,symb)
316 rtn)))
318 (defmethod check-trust ((vp vpatch) (w wot))
319 (if (seals vp)
320 (progn
321 (mapcar #'(lambda (s)
322 (if (not (eq 0
323 (run-subprocess
324 *gpg-location*
325 (list
326 "--homedir"
327 (homedir w)
328 "--verify"
329 s
330 (namestring (path vp))))))
331 (error 'bad-seal :text (file-namestring s))))
332 (mapcar #'namestring (seals vp)))
333 vp)
334 (error 'no-seal :text (name vp))))
336 (defmethod check-trust ((list list) (w wot))
337 (mapcar #'(lambda (vp) (check-trust vp w))
338 list))
341 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
342 ;; loading vpatches
344 (defun find-seals (name &optional
345 (seal-dir *default-seal-dir*))
346 "Returns a list of paths to seals in SEAL-DIR whose basename
347 contains NAME as a subsequence.
349 A seal in this case is defined as a file whose basename ends in \".sig\"."
350 (remove-if-not #'(lambda (seal-path)
351 (let ((seal-name (file-namestring
352 (namestring seal-path))))
353 (and (>= (length seal-name) (length name))
354 (equal name
355 (subseq seal-name
356 0
357 (length name))))))
358 (directory (concatenate 'string
359 seal-dir
360 "*.sig"))))
362 (defun last-word (string)
363 "Returns the last subsequence s of string such that s contains no spaces."
364 (subseq string
365 (1+ (position #\Space string :from-end t))))
367 (defun subpatch-start (string)
368 "Determines if string indicates the start of a new subpatch."
369 (and (>= (length string) 4)
370 (equal "diff" (subseq string 0 4))))
372 (defun extract-hashes (vpatch-filepath)
373 "Given a path to a vpatch file, return a list of lists containing hash
374 information for subpatches in the vpatch.
376 Each list contains, in order, the path to the subpatch, the pre-patch
377 hash, and the post-patch hash.
379 Per the standard, nonexistance is denoted \"false\"."
380 (let ((hash-list nil))
381 (with-open-file (s vpatch-filepath)
382 (do ((L (read-line s) (read-line s nil)))
383 ((eql L nil))
384 (if (subpatch-start L)
385 (setq hash-list
386 (cons (mapcar #'last-word
387 (list L (read-line s) (read-line s)))
388 hash-list)))))
389 hash-list))
391 (defun make-vpatch (filepath)
392 "Given a filepath, MAKE-VPATCH attempts to read its contents
393 and form a VPATCH object.
395 Returns the newly created VPATCH object."
396 (let ((name (file-namestring (namestring filepath))))
397 (make-instance 'vpatch
398 :name name
399 :path filepath
400 :seals (find-seals name)
401 :subpatches (mapcar #'(lambda (x)
402 (make-instance
403 'subpatch
404 :path (first x)
405 :pre-hash (second x)
406 :post-hash (third x)))
407 (extract-hashes filepath)))))
409 (defun load-vpatches (path)
410 "Returns a list containing the application of MAKE-VPATCH to
411 every .vpatch file at PATH."
412 (mapcar #'make-vpatch
413 (directory (concatenate 'string path
414 "/*.vpatch"))))
417 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
418 ;; applying vpatches
420 (defmethod patch ((vp vpatch) output-dir)
421 "Apply vpatch VP using a external patch utility.
423 Returns t if the external patch utility returns 0. Otherwise returns NIL.
425 The patch is applied in OUTPUT-DIR."
426 (if (eq 0
427 (run-subprocess *patch-location*
428 (list "--dir" output-dir
429 "-F" "0" "-E" "-p1" "-i"
430 (namestring (path vp)))))
431 t
432 (error 'patch-failure :text (name vp))))
435 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
436 ;; generating the dependency graph
438 (defmethod alignedp ((sp1 subpatch) (sp2 subpatch))
439 (equal (path sp1) (path sp2)))
441 (defmethod alignment ((vp1 vpatch) (vp2 vpatch))
442 (loop for sp1 in (subpatches vp1)
443 append (loop for sp2 in (subpatches vp2)
444 if (alignedp sp1 sp2)
445 collect (list sp1 sp2))))
447 (defmethod parentp ((sp1 subpatch) (sp2 subpatch))
448 (equal (post-hash sp1) (pre-hash sp2)))
450 (defmethod parentp ((vp1 vpatch) (vp2 vpatch))
451 (let ((alignment (alignment vp1 vp2)))
452 (labels ((parentp-apply (x) (apply #'parentp x)))
453 (and (every #'parentp-apply alignment)
454 (some #'parentp-apply alignment)))))
456 (defun generate-depgraph (vpatch-list)
457 "Generate a directed graph from the input list VPATCH-LIST of vpatches.
459 Returns a LIST whose first member is the input list of vpatches,
460 and second member is a list of all directed edges (VP1 VP2)
461 where VP1 is a parent of VP2."
462 (make-instance 'directed-graph
463 :vertices vpatch-list
464 :edges (loop for vp1 in vpatch-list
465 append (loop for vp2 in vpatch-list
466 if (parentp vp1 vp2)
467 collect (make-instance 'directed-edge
468 :head vp1
469 :tail vp2)))))
472 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
473 ;; topologically sorting a directed graph
475 (defun partition (proposition list)
476 "Given a unary function PROPOSITION and a list LIST, separates
477 those which satisfy PROPOSITION from those which do not.
479 Returns two values: the first contains exactly the elements of LIST
480 for which PROPOSITION does not return NIL; the second contains exactly those
481 elements of LIST for which PROPOSITION returns NIL."
482 (let ((successes '())
483 (failures '()))
484 (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (funcall proposition x)
485 (push x successes)
486 (push x failures)))
487 list)
488 (values successes failures)))
490 (defun rootp (vertex edges)
491 "Determines if VERTEX is a root in the list of edges EDGES.
493 Returns t if VERTEX is not the tail of any edge in EDGES, and NIL otherwise."
494 (notany #'(lambda (e) (eq (tail e) vertex))
495 edges))
497 (defun leafp (vertex edges)
498 "Determines if VERTEX is a leaf in the list of edges EDGES.
500 Returns t if VERTEX is not the head of any edge in EDGES, nil otherwise."
501 (notany #'(lambda (e) (eq (head e) vertex))
502 edges))
504 (defun decapitate (vertices edges)
505 "Removes all edges with head in vertices"
506 (remove-if #'(lambda (edge) (member (head edge) vertices))
507 edges))
509 (defmethod toposort ((dg directed-graph))
510 "Topologically sorts the directed graph DG using the standard method from
511 Knuth.
513 Raises CYCLIC if a cycle is encountered.
515 Returns a sorted list of the vertices of DG."
516 (labels ((flatten-rec (vertices edges)
517 (if (null vertices)
518 '()
519 (multiple-value-bind (roots others)
520 (partition #'(lambda (v) (rootp v edges))
521 vertices)
522 (if (null roots)
523 (error 'cyclic)
524 (append roots
525 (flatten-rec others (decapitate roots
526 edges))))))))
527 (flatten-rec (vertices dg) (edges dg))))
530 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
531 ;; procedures to assist main operations
533 (defun ancestors (vpatch
534 vpatch-list
535 ancestor-function)
536 "Finds all vpatches in VPATCH-LIST which can result from repeated
537 application of ANCESTOR-FUNCTION, starting at VPATCH.
539 Returns the transitive closure of the binary relation
540 ANCESTOR-FUNCTION in the list VPATCH-LIST, rooted at VPATCH."
541 (labels ((anc-rec (vp1)
542 (let ((ancestors
543 (remove-if-not #'(lambda (vp2)
544 (funcall ancestor-function
545 vp1
546 vp2))
547 vpatch-list)))
548 ;; below sexp technically not needed, increases efficiency
549 (setq vpatch-list
550 (remove-if #'(lambda (v)
551 (member v ancestors))
552 vpatch-list))
553 (if (null ancestors)
554 nil
555 (append ancestors
556 (remove-duplicates
557 (apply #'append
558 (mapcar #'anc-rec
559 ancestors))))))))
560 (anc-rec vpatch)))
562 (defun lookup (subseq &key vpatch-list error-on-fail)
563 "Scans VPATCH for vpatches in vpatch-list whose path basename
564 contains SUBSEQ as a subsequence.
566 If a match exists, the leftmost match is returned. Otherwise NIL
567 is returned.
569 If VPATCH-LIST is null, load all vpatches from *default-vpatch-dir*
570 and searches through those vpatches.
572 If ERROR-ON-FAIL is not null, raises VPATCH-LOOKUP error if the lookup
573 fails to find a match.
575 The user should note that lookup generates a new list of vpatch
576 objects when vpatch-list is null. Hence calling lookup with the
577 same regex twice can result in different vpatch objects. Thus
578 if the user wants a vpatch returned from a known list, that list
579 must be given as an argument."
580 (let ((result (find-if #'(lambda (vp)
581 (search subseq
582 (file-namestring
583 (namestring
584 (path vp)))))
585 vpatch-list)))
586 (if (and (null result) error-on-fail)
587 (error 'vpatch-lookup :text subseq)
588 result)))
590 (defmacro interpret-and-verify (items &rest body)
591 "This macro makes it cleaner for various operations to take in
592 either strings identifying vpatches, or vpatch objects. Allowing
593 strings makes operations simpler at the REPL, and allows for
594 POSIX terminal interaction.
596 If VPATCH is a string and is not a substring of the name of
597 some vpatch, raises a VPATCH-LOOKUP error."
598 `(let* ,(append
599 '((created-wot nil))
600 '((wot (if (null wot)
601 (progn (setq created-wot t)
602 (make-wot))
603 wot)))
604 (if (member 'vpatch-list items)
605 '((vpatch-list (check-trust
606 (if (null vpatch-list)
607 (load-vpatches *default-vpatch-dir*)
608 vpatch-list)
609 wot)))
610 '())
611 (if (member 'vpatch items)
612 '((vpatch (check-trust
613 (if (stringp vpatch)
614 (lookup vpatch
615 :vpatch-list vpatch-list
616 :error-on-fail t)
617 vpatch)
618 wot)))
619 '())
620 `((result (progn ,@body))))
621 (if created-wot (remove-wot wot))
622 result))
625 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
626 ;; main operations
628 (defun flow (&optional vpatch-list wot)
629 "Returns a topologically sorted list of trusted vpatches.
631 If VPATCH-LIST is null, loads vpatches from *default-vpatch-dir*.
633 If WOT is null, creates a wot object using the public keys in
634 *default-wot-dir*, and uses that object to check trust.
636 If a cycle is detected during sorting, the condition CYCLIC will be raised."
637 (interpret-and-verify
638 (vpatch-list)
639 (toposort
640 (generate-depgraph vpatch-list))))
642 (defun roots (&optional vpatch-list wot)
643 "Returns a list of trusted vpatches which are the roots of
644 the dependency tree derived from VPATCH-LIST.
646 The returned list is in topologically sorted order.
648 If VPATCH-LIST is null, loads vpatches from *default-vpatch-dir*.
650 If WOT is null, creates a wot object using the public keys in
651 *default-wot-dir*, and uses that object to check trust."
652 (interpret-and-verify
653 (vpatch-list)
654 (toposort
655 (generate-depgraph
656 (remove-if-not #'(lambda (vp)
657 (rootp vp
658 (edges (generate-depgraph vpatch-list))))
659 vpatch-list)))))
661 (defun leaves (&optional vpatch-list wot)
662 "Returns a list of trusted vpatches which are the leaves of
663 the dependency tree derived from VPATCH-LIST.
665 The returned list is in topologically sorted order.
667 If VPATCH-LIST is null, loads vpatches from *default-vpatch-dir*.
669 If WOT is null, creates a wot object using the public keys in
670 *default-wot-dir*, and uses that object to check trust."
671 (interpret-and-verify
672 (vpatch-list)
673 (toposort
674 (generate-depgraph
675 (remove-if-not #'(lambda (vp)
676 (leafp vp
677 (edges (generate-depgraph vpatch-list))))
678 vpatch-list)))))
680 (defun antecedents (vpatch &optional vpatch-list wot)
681 "Returns a list of trusted vpatches containing exactly those vpatches
682 v such that a directed path exists from VPATCH to v. The existence of
683 directed paths is determined by the dependency tree derived from VPATCH-LIST.
685 The returned list is in topologically sorted order.
687 VPATCH may be either a string, or a vpatch object. If VPATCH is a string,
688 the first vpatch in VPATCH-LIST whose name has VPATCH as a substring
689 will be used. If no match is found, the condition VPATCH-LOOKUP will be raised.
691 If VPATCH-LIST is null, loads vpatches from *default-vpatch-dir*.
693 If WOT is null, creates a wot object using the public keys in
694 *default-wot-dir*, and uses that object to check trust."
695 (interpret-and-verify
696 (vpatch vpatch-list)
697 (toposort
698 (generate-depgraph
699 (ancestors vpatch
700 vpatch-list
701 #'(lambda (vp1 vp2) (parentp vp2 vp1)))))))
703 (defun descendants (vpatch &optional vpatch-list wot)
704 "Returns a list of trusted vpatches containing exactly those vpatches
705 v such that a directed path exists from v to VPATCH. The existence of
706 directed paths is determined by the dependency tree derived from VPATCH-LIST.
708 The returned list is in topologically sorted order.
710 VPATCH may be either a string, or a vpatch object. If VPATCH is a string,
711 the first vpatch in VPATCH-LIST whose name has VPATCH as a substring
712 will be used. If no match is found, the condition VPATCH-LOOKUP will be raised.
714 If VPATCH-LIST is null, loads vpatches from *default-vpatch-dir*.
716 If WOT is null, creates a wot object using the public keys in
717 *default-wot-dir*, and uses that object to check trust."
718 (interpret-and-verify
719 (vpatch vpatch-list)
720 (toposort
721 (generate-depgraph
722 (ancestors vpatch
723 vpatch-list
724 #'(lambda (vp1 vp2) (parentp vp1 vp2)))))))
726 (defun press-path (vpatch &optional vpatch-list wot)
727 "Returns a list of containing exactly all trusted vpatches needed
728 to press VPATCH.
730 The returned list is in topologically sorted order.
732 VPATCH may be either a string, or a vpatch object. If VPATCH is a string,
733 the first vpatch in VPATCH-LIST whose name has VPATCH as a substring
734 will be used. If no match is found, the condition VPATCH-LOOKUP will be raised.
736 If VPATCH-LIST is null, loads vpatches from *default-vpatch-dir*.
738 If WOT is null, creates a wot object using the public keys in
739 *default-wot-dir*, and uses that object to check trust."
740 (interpret-and-verify
741 (vpatch vpatch-list)
742 (toposort
743 (generate-depgraph
744 (append (antecedents vpatch
745 vpatch-list)
746 (list vpatch))))))
748 (defun press (vpatch output-dir &optional vpatch-list wot)
749 "Presses all trusted vpatches of VPATCH-LIST which are in
750 the press-path of VPATCH. The press is conducted in OUTPUT-DIR.
752 The returned list is in topologically sorted order.
754 If OUTPUT-DIR does not exist, PRESS will attempt to create it. If creation
755 fails, the condition OUTPUT-DIR-DNE will be raised.
757 VPATCH may be either a string, or a vpatch object. If VPATCH is a string,
758 the first vpatch in VPATCH-LIST whose name has VPATCH as a substring
759 will be used. If no match is found, the condition VPATCH-LOOKUP will be raised.
761 If VPATCH-LIST is null, loads vpatches from *default-vpatch-dir*.
763 If WOT is null, creates a wot object using the public keys in
764 *default-wot-dir*, and uses that object to check trust."
765 (ensure-directories-exist
766 (make-pathname :directory `(:relative ,output-dir)))
767 (if (not (probe-file output-dir))
768 (error 'output-dir-dne))
769 (interpret-and-verify
770 (vpatch vpatch-list)
771 (every #'(lambda (vp) (patch vp output-dir))
772 (toposort
773 (generate-depgraph
774 (append (antecedents vpatch
775 vpatch-list)
776 (list vpatch)))))))
779 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
780 ;; for use as a binturd
782 (defun print-usage ()
783 (format t "Usage:
784 <command> ::= v <nullary> | <unary> | <binary>
785 <nullary> ::= flow | roots | leaves
786 <unary> ::= ante | desc | path <vpatch-designator>
787 <binary> ::= press <vpatch-designator> <press-directory>
789 <vpatch-designator> is a substring of the basename of some vpatch.
790 "))
792 (defun print-all (obj)
793 (labels ((print-all-recur (r)
794 (cond
795 ((null r) nil)
796 ((listp r)
797 (mapcar #'print-all-recur r))
798 ((typep r 'vpatch) (format t "~a~%" (name r)))
799 ((eq r t) (format t "Success~%"))
800 (t (format t "~a~%" r)))))
801 (print-all-recur obj)))
803 (defun main ()
804 (handler-case
805 (let ((args #+sbcl (cdr sb-ext:*posix-argv*)
806 #+ccl (cdr ccl:*command-line-argument-list*)))
807 (labels ((call (n procedure)
808 (if (not (= (length (cdr args)) n))
809 (print-usage)
810 (print-all (apply procedure (cdr args))))))
811 (let ((cmd (car args)))
812 (cond
813 ((string= cmd "flow") (call 0 #'flow))
814 ((string= cmd "roots") (call 0 #'roots))
815 ((string= cmd "leaves") (call 0 #'leaves))
816 ((string= cmd "ante") (call 1 #'antecedents))
817 ((string= cmd "desc") (call 1 #'descendants))
818 ((string= cmd "path") (call 1 #'press-path))
819 ((string= cmd "press") (call 2 #'press))
820 (t (print-usage))))))
821 (bad-public-key (c)
822 (format t "GnuPG failed to import key ~S.~%" (text c)))
823 (bad-seal (c)
824 (format t "GnuPG failed to verify seal ~S.~%" (text c)))
825 (cyclic ()
826 (format t "Cycle encountered during topological sort.~%"))
827 (no-seal (c)
828 (format t "Failed to find a seal for vpatch ~S.~%" (text c)))
829 (output-dir-dne (c)
830 (format t "Output directory not found at location ~S." (text c)))
831 (patch-failure (c)
832 (format t "Failed to apply vpatch ~S.~%" (text c)))
833 (unsupported-cl ()
834 (format t "Unsupported Common Lisp implementation detected.~%"))
835 (vpatch-lookup (c)
836 (format t "Failed to find vpatch matching ~S.~%" (text c)))
837 (wot-dir-creation (c)
838 (format t "Failed to make temporary WoT directory: ~S.~%" (text c)))
839 (wot-dir-dne (c)
840 (format t "WoT directory not found at location ~S.~%" (text c)))))