- 6B46C9CC494C5F0ECCE1C653D6F34AD30D366B0D4A1D9AB169E94FFBC17BE09CAC3DBF85F5B571516161712FD201E50581CD2C247AA5B7442F94B69CFDC907EB
+ 7AE4EC290548713F623A1CAE18025750324170D9B22A618BE1D2A1A95C02C1B10F605EBC109A7983BD14B23B01A497567D5A7796DB212B9F76D209CB4FF5CA14
(2 . 3)(2 . 4)
170 543081 udp_errata_asciilifeform diana_coman Regrind of asciilifeform's errata on his UDP lib: adds closing socket calls, corrects and adds to comments.
171 543082 udp_fix_nullchars diana_coman Fix for issue in unix_udp.c that returns null characters at end of IPs shorter than 16 characters in length.
172 543083 mt_prng diana_coman Ada implementation of Mersenne Twister pseudorandom number generator + automated tests for it.
173 543084 udp_tester diana_coman Sender and Receiver for testing UDP communication over a range of packet sizes. NB: this makes some changes to UDP lib for *testing* purposes - those changes are NOT required in production.