(71 . 7)(71 . 7)
28 end Open_Socket;
31 -- Permanently close the given open given socket
32 -- Permanently close the given open socket
33 procedure Close_Socket(S : in out Socket) is
34 begin
35 Unix_UDP_Socket_Close(Socket => S'Address);
(94 . 8)(94 . 11)
37 Close_Socket(S);
38 raise UDP_Failed_Transmit;
39 when others =>
40 -- No eggog
41 null;
42 -- No eggog, but must check if sent all bytes:
43 if (Result /= Payload'Length) then
44 Close_Socket(S);
45 raise UDP_Truncated_Send;
46 end if;
47 end case;
48 end Transmit;