- A11EC7A815179C71A1C1B0239EE392930B811CFFC2D83328BC4D6D9D7182EB9D5D55F3C010ED9FB8A1A98B14E578407331FB6229B479386ABE16F6DFF21B98F1
+ 58A5A4D81E10E1017A43DF99EC183C85D77223CBAE6D3657A5C6B87D8325650DDE3C63BD0BF9598D84E5C0F87626820763AF763714194B71767C74F0524D39AD
(10 . 3)(10 . 4)
98 550310 smg_comms_keymgm diana_coman Adds read/write for Keys Management messages (both Serpent and RSA). Refactors the read/write of Serpent Keys messages so that the same core is called by RSA/Serpent specific-methods, adding also read/write of keys from/to RSA messages.
99 551086 smg_comms_files diana_coman Adds read/write for File Transfer (4.3) and File Request (4.4). Refactors the rest to have read/write of 16 bits values in one single place (i.e. separate method called from everywhere else) because of how common it is + sensitive to endianness.
100 551832 smg_comms_actions_rsa diana_coman Adds read/write for RSA keys (5.1) and Client Action (4.5). Refactors to allow choice of padding and enable direct testing of private procedure in Messages.
101 552633 smg_comms_shorter_e diana_coman Changes to support arbitrary size of public exponent both at key generation time (rsa.c) and at use for packing/unpacking messages. Also adds required changes to c_wrappers to work around the idiocy in MPI lib that means it will get stuck in endless loop in some cases when the buffer of an mpi is set to 0-leading values.