tree checksum vpatch file split hunks

all signers: diana_coman

antecedents: smg_comms_io_rsa_tests_only smg_comms_keymgm

press order:



- 8C55EF6A254359BF52A32B6D58F2A954184505EE4294B2CD1F7F6DD29911B873ABA792EB6B88F9D62653CCB3D6D0FDDF88146635729154848FAC78BE60418BA2
+ 268276F725EBBBF0EB0E11ADCD2516571ACB8958068B17040E1FB841A2EDD44878D73C932982D70C4192B70C43F2CC9EDF699380AA98FE15A968D81BFC911B14
(8 . 3)(8 . 4)
5 549511 smg_comms_skeys_smsgs diana_coman Defines data structures and message types as well as methods for reading/writing Serpent keysets to/from Serpent messages.
6 549785 smg_comms_io_rsa_tests_only diana_coman Small refactoring of tests extracting the reading of RSA key into package of its own so it can be used throughout tests and thus get rid of the too long lines in test_packing.adb.
7 550310 smg_comms_keymgm diana_coman Adds read/write for Keys Management messages (both Serpent and RSA). Refactors the read/write of Serpent Keys messages so that the same core is called by RSA/Serpent specific-methods, adding also read/write of keys from/to RSA messages.
8 551086 smg_comms_files diana_coman Adds read/write for File Transfer (4.3) and File Request (4.4). Refactors the rest to have read/write of 16 bits values in one single place (i.e. separate method called from everywhere else) because of how common it is + sensitive to endianness.
- 30B66C681C3DE5AD3731A40C47760D77D58707D32B66D8A8BB987898067A631BF761ADEE878B08F77FE8D83DF097900F8990CA75E02CB0A2AEEC1A58A5209C4D
+ D472416A6FDBB7FD240664149E4A120F449AC15839D611E8A6987C145D3FE13C0A2227FE8C6BA3BC8F4ED2350973E7DFE6A074AB87CB02FBAF786396169FE5CF
(44 . 6)(44 . 30)
13 RZ at 12 range 0 .. 7;
14 end record;
16 -- length of a text field (i.e. 16 bits, strictly > 0)
17 subtype Text_Len is Positive range 1..2**16-1;
19 -- A set of file names glued into a single string
20 -- NB: there IS at least ONE filename and one character
21 -- Upper limit for Text_Len is due to protocol's spec of text basic type
22 type U16_Array is array (Text_Len range <> ) of Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
23 type Filenames( F_No: Text_Len := 1; Sz: Text_Len := 1 ) is
24 record
25 -- filenames glued together into 1 single string
26 S : String( 1 .. Sz ) := (others => '0');
27 -- indices in S, at which each filename starts
28 Starts: U16_Array( 1 .. F_No ) := (others => 1);
29 end record;
31 -- A chunk of a file (for file transfer)
32 type File_Chunk( Len : Text_Len := 1;
33 Count : Interfaces.Unsigned_16 := 1;
34 Name_Len: Text_len := 1) is
35 record
36 Filename: String(1..Name_Len);
37 Content : Raw_Types.Octets(1..Len);
38 end record;
40 -------------------------
41 -- A set of Serpent Keys
42 -- parametrized record for a Serpent Keyset
- 796122DCF307899111D2909509460B1DE5215EF1DFADB88AF3F3B2654754AA225ACF79FF0B50BE884F184966920BCD30E236585FA46846DC36B8F58F67C726D1
+ FD5121B49FCBCB70293B002298FC82272EF291E959FE63D17B5B22BA02B1ABB2B1D12A6D0D9541CAEBE43A300FE08CC329FBCACE81B8341A00296F66EB182A84
(4 . 6)(4 . 7)
47 with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
48 with Serpent;
49 with System; use System;
50 with Ada.Assertions; use Ada.Assertions;
52 package body Messages is
(55 . 6)(56 . 299)
55 end if;
56 end Read_KMgm_SMsg;
58 ------ File Transfer ------
59 procedure Write_File_Transfer( Chunk : in File_Chunk;
60 Msg : out Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg) is
61 Pos: Integer := Msg'First;
62 U16: Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
63 begin
64 -- write type ID
65 Msg(Pos) := File_Transfer_S_Type;
66 Pos := Pos + 1;
68 -- write filename as text field (size+2, text)
69 -- check against overflows
70 if Chunk.Name_Len > Text_Len'Last - 2 or
71 Pos + Integer(Chunk.Name_Len) + 2 > Msg'Last then
72 raise Invalid_Msg;
73 end if;
75 -- write total size: filename size + 2
76 U16 := Interfaces.Unsigned_16( Chunk.Name_Len + 2 );
77 Write_U16( Msg, Pos, U16 );
79 -- write filename
80 String_To_Octets( Chunk.Filename,
81 Msg(Pos..Pos+Integer(Chunk.Name_Len)-1) );
82 Pos := Pos + Integer(Chunk.Name_Len);
84 --write content
85 -- check against overflow, including the 2 octets for counter at the end
86 if Chunk.Len > Text_Len'Last - 2 or
87 Pos + Integer(Chunk.Len) + 4 > Msg'Last then
88 raise Invalid_Msg;
89 end if;
91 -- write total size for this text field
92 U16 := Interfaces.Unsigned_16( Chunk.Len + 2 );
93 Write_U16( Msg, Pos, U16 );
95 -- write actual content
96 Msg(Pos..Pos+Chunk.Content'Length-1) := Chunk.Content;
97 Pos := Pos + Chunk.Content'Length;
99 -- write counter
100 Write_U16( Msg, Pos, Chunk.Count );
102 -- write padding if needed
103 if Pos <= Msg'Last then
104 RNG.Get_Octets( Msg(Pos..Msg'Last) );
105 end if;
107 end Write_File_Transfer;
109 -- The opposite of Write_File_Transfer method above.
110 -- Counter will contain the message counter
111 -- Chunk will contain the chunk counter, filename and content
112 procedure Read_File_Transfer( Msg : in Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg;
113 Chunk : out File_Chunk) is
114 Pos: Integer := Msg'First;
115 U16: Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
116 S_Name, E_Name: Integer; --start/end for filename in Msg
117 S_Len: Text_Len; -- length of filename (needed as Text_Len anyway)
118 S_Content, E_Content: Integer; --start/end for content in Msg
119 Content_Len: text_Len; -- length of content (needed as Text_Len anyway)
120 begin
121 -- read and check type ID
122 if Msg(Pos) /= File_Transfer_S_Type then
123 raise Invalid_Msg;
124 end if;
125 Pos := Pos + 1;
127 -- read filename size
128 Read_U16( Msg, Pos, U16 );
130 -- check for overflow and underflow; filename size >= 1
131 if Pos + Integer(U16) - 2 > Msg'Last or
132 U16 < 3 then
133 raise Invalid_Msg;
134 end if;
135 U16 := U16 - 2;
136 S_Len := Text_Len(U16);
138 -- set start + end for reading filename later, when ready
139 S_Name := Pos;
140 E_Name := Pos + Integer(U16)-1;
141 Pos := Pos + S_Len;
143 -- read size of content
144 Read_U16( Msg, Pos, U16 );
145 -- check for overflow and underflow; content >=1; counter =2 octets
146 if Pos + Integer(U16) - 1 > Msg'Last or
147 U16 < 3 then
148 raise Invalid_msg;
149 end if;
150 U16 := U16 - 2;
151 Content_Len := Text_Len(U16);
152 -- set start and end for reading content later, when ready
153 S_Content := Pos;
154 E_Content := Pos + Integer(U16) - 1;
155 Pos := Pos + Content_Len;
157 -- read counter
158 Read_U16( Msg, Pos, U16 );
159 -- check chunking validity i.e. if counter>0 then no padding
160 if U16 /= 0 and Pos /= Msg'Last then
161 raise Invalid_Msg;
162 end if;
164 -- create File_Chunk structure and fill it with data from Msg
165 declare
166 FC : File_Chunk( Len => Content_Len,
167 Count => U16,
168 Name_Len => S_Len);
169 begin
170 -- read from Msg
171 FC.Content := Msg( S_Content..E_Content );
172 Octets_To_String( Msg( S_Name..E_Name ), FC.Filename);
173 -- copy to output var
174 Chunk := FC;
175 end;
177 end Read_File_Transfer;
179 ---- File Requests ----
180 procedure Write_File_Request( FR : in Filenames;
181 Counter : in Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
182 Msg : out Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg;
183 Written : out Natural) is
184 Pos : Integer := Msg'First;
185 Max_Pos: Integer := Msg'Last - 2; -- 2 octets at end for counter
186 Text_Sz: Integer;
187 Max_Sz : Integer;
188 begin
189 -- write ID for File Request type
190 Msg( Pos ) := File_Req_S_Type;
191 Pos := Pos + 1;
193 -- write Text size: filenames + separators
194 -- consider fewer filenames if they don't ALL fit
195 -- 2 octets are taken by size itself
196 Max_Sz := Max_Pos - Pos - 1;
197 Text_Sz := FR.Sz + FR.F_No - 1;
198 if Text_Sz > Max_Sz then
199 -- walk the array of filenames backwards and stop when they fit
200 Written := FR.F_No - 1;
201 -- calculate actual size written based on start of first discarded
202 -- filename and (Written -1) octets for needed separators
203 Text_Sz := Integer(FR.Starts(Written+1)) - FR.Starts'First +
204 (Written - 1);
206 -- loop until either fits or nothing left
207 while Written > 0 and Text_Sz > Max_Sz loop
208 Written := Written - 1;
209 Text_Sz := Integer(FR.Starts(Written+1))- FR.Starts'First +
210 (Written - 1);
211 end loop;
212 -- check that there is what to write, since nothing -> invalid message
213 if Written = 0 then
214 raise Invalid_Msg;
215 end if;
217 else --from if Text_Sz > Max_Sz
218 -- ALL are written
219 Written := FR.F_No;
220 end if;
222 -- write Text_Sz + 2 (i.e. TOTAL size)
223 if Text_Sz + 2 > Integer(Interfaces.Unsigned_16'Last) then
224 raise Invalid_Msg;
225 end if;
227 Write_U16( Msg, Pos, Interfaces.Unsigned_16(Text_Sz+2) );
229 -- write filenames separated by Sep
230 for I in 1..Written loop
231 declare
232 Start_Pos : Positive;
233 End_Pos : Positive;
234 Len : Positive;
235 begin
236 -- current start pos in FR.S
237 Start_Pos := Positive( FR.Starts( FR.Starts'First + I - 1));
239 -- calculate end based on start of next name or last
240 if I < FR.F_No then
241 End_Pos := Positive( FR.Starts( FR.Starts'First + I)) - 1;
242 else
243 End_Pos := FR.S'Last;
244 end if;
246 -- NB: this WILL fail if starting positions are not in order!
247 Len := End_Pos - Start_Pos + 1;
248 if Len <= 0 then
249 raise Invalid_Msg;
250 end if;
252 --write the actual filename
253 String_To_Octets( FR.S( Start_Pos..End_Pos ), Msg(Pos..Pos+Len-1) );
254 Pos := Pos + Len;
256 --if it's not the last one, write a separator
257 if I < Written then
258 Msg(Pos) := Sep;
259 Pos := Pos + 1;
260 end if;
261 end;
262 end loop;
264 -- write the message counter in little endian at all times
265 Write_U16( Msg, Pos, Counter );
267 -- write padding if needed
268 if Pos <= Msg'Last then
269 Rng.Get_Octets( Msg(Pos..Msg'Last) );
270 end if;
271 end Write_File_Request;
273 -- Reads a request for files; the opposite of Write_File_Request above
274 procedure Read_File_Request( Msg : in Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg;
275 Counter : out Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
276 FR : out Filenames) is
277 Pos : Integer := Msg'First;
278 Max_Pos : Integer := Msg'Last - 2; --at least 2 reserved for counter
279 Text_Sz : Integer;
280 Max_Sz : Integer := Max_Pos - Pos - 1; --text only i.e. w.o. size itself
281 F_No : Integer;
282 U16 : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
283 begin
284 -- read type ID and check
285 if Msg(Pos) /= File_Req_S_Type then
286 raise Invalid_Msg;
287 end if;
288 Pos := Pos + 1;
290 -- read total size of filenames+separators
291 Read_U16( Msg, Pos, U16 );
292 Text_Sz := Integer(U16);
293 -- take away the 2 octets for size itself
294 Text_Sz := Text_Sz - 2;
296 -- check that Text_Sz is not overflowing/underflowing
297 if Text_Sz < 1 or Text_Sz > Max_Sz then
298 raise Invalid_Msg;
299 end if;
301 -- count first the separators to know how many filenames
302 -- NB: there is always at least 1 filename as Text_Sz > 0
303 F_No := 1;
304 for I in Pos .. Pos + Text_Sz - 1 loop
305 if Msg(I) = Sep then
306 F_No := F_No + 1;
307 end if;
308 end loop;
310 -- create the output structure and discard separators
311 -- text without separators should be Text_Sz - F_No + 1
312 -- (because ONLY one separator between 2 filenames allowed)
313 -- if it's not that => Invalid_Msg
314 -- F_No and Text_Sz are not overflow (earlier check + calc)
315 declare
316 F : Filenames(Text_Len(F_No), Text_Len(Text_Sz-F_No+1));
317 S_Pos : Positive;
318 Index : Positive;
319 begin
320 S_Pos := F.S'First;
321 Index := F.Starts'First;
322 F.Starts(Index) := Interfaces.Unsigned_16(S_Pos);
324 for I in Pos .. Pos + Text_Sz - 1 loop
325 -- copy over to F.S anything that is not separator
326 if Msg(I) /= Sep then
327 F.S( S_Pos ) := Character'Val(Msg(I));
328 S_Pos := S_Pos + 1;
329 else
330 -- if it's separator, check and if ok, add next as start
331 if I = Pos + Text_Sz or -- separator as last character is error
332 Msg(I+1) = Sep or -- 2 consecutive separators is error
333 Index >= F.Starts'Last then -- too many separators is error
334 raise Invalid_Msg;
335 else
336 Index := Index + 1;
337 F.Starts( Index ) := Interfaces.Unsigned_16(S_Pos);
338 end if;
339 end if;
340 end loop;
342 -- copy the whole structure to output variable
343 FR := F;
344 end;
346 -- read message counter now
347 Pos := Pos + Text_Sz;
348 Read_U16( Msg, Pos, Counter );
350 end Read_File_Request;
352 ------------------
353 -- RSA Messages --
(100 . 6)(394 . 27)
355 end if;
356 end Read_KMgm_RMsg;
359 ----------Utilities ----------
360 -- String to Octets conversion
361 procedure String_To_Octets(Str: in String; O: out Raw_Types.Octets) is
362 begin
363 Assert( Str'Length = O'Length );
364 for I in 1..Str'Length loop
365 O( O'First+I-1 ) := Character'Pos(Str(Str'First + I - 1 ));
366 end loop;
367 end String_To_Octets;
369 -- Octets to string conversion
370 -- NB: Str'Length has to be EQUAL to Octets'Length!
371 procedure Octets_To_String(O: in Raw_Types.Octets; Str: out String) is
372 begin
373 Assert( O'Length = Str'Length );
374 for I in 1..O'Length loop
375 Str( Str'First+I-1 ) := Character'Val(O(O'First + I - 1 ));
376 end loop;
377 end Octets_To_String;
379 ------------------
380 -- private part --
381 ------------------
(124 . 7)(439 . 6)
383 Msg : out Raw_Types.Octets) is
384 Pos : Integer := Msg'First;
385 Check : CRC32.CRC32;
386 PadLen: Integer;
387 K : Serpent.Key;
388 begin
389 -- write Type ID
(158 . 19)(472 . 11)
391 Pos := Pos + 1;
393 -- write message counter
394 Msg(Pos..Pos+1) := Raw_Types.Cast(Counter);
395 Cast_LE(Msg(Pos..Pos+1));
396 Pos := Pos + 2;
397 Write_U16( Msg, Pos, Counter );
399 -- write padding as needed; endianness is irrelevant here
400 PadLen := Msg'Last - Pos + 1;
401 if PadLen > 0 then
402 declare
403 Pad : Raw_Types.Octets(1..PadLen);
404 begin
405 RNG.Get_Octets( Pad );
406 Msg(Pos..Pos+PadLen-1) := Pad;
407 end;
408 if Pos <= Msg'Last then
409 RNG.Get_Octets( Msg(Pos..Msg'Last) );
410 end if;
412 end Write_SKeys;
(196 . 7)(502 . 6)
414 K : Serpent.Key;
415 Check : CRC32.CRC32;
416 O4 : Raw_Types.Octets_4;
417 O2 : Raw_Types.Octets_2;
418 begin
419 Pos := Pos + 1;
420 --read keys and check crc for each
(220 . 9)(525 . 7)
422 KS.Flag := Msg(Pos);
423 Pos := Pos + 1;
424 -- read and set message counter
425 O2 := Msg(Pos..Pos+1);
426 Cast_LE(O2);
427 Counter := Raw_Types.Cast(O2);
428 Read_U16( Msg, Pos, Counter );
429 -- rest of message is padding so it's ignored
430 -- copy keyset to output variable
431 Keyset := KS;
(266 . 12)(569 . 12)
433 end if;
435 -- write the message count
436 Msg(Pos..Pos+1) := Raw_Types.Cast( Counter );
437 Cast_LE( Msg(Pos..Pos+1) );
438 Pos := Pos + 2;
439 Write_U16( Msg, Pos, Counter );
441 -- pad with random octets until the end of Msg
442 RNG.Get_Octets( Msg(Pos..Msg'Last) );
443 if Pos <= Msg'Last then
444 RNG.Get_Octets( Msg(Pos..Msg'Last) );
445 end if;
447 end Write_KMgm;
(295 . 7)(598 . 6)
450 declare
451 N_Burnt : Counter_8bits := Counter_8bits(Msg(Burnt_Pos));
452 Mgm : Keys_Mgm(N_Burnt);
453 O2 : Raw_Types.Octets_2;
454 begin
455 -- read count of server keys requested
456 Mgm.N_Server := Msg(Pos);
(316 . 14)(618 . 33)
458 end if;
460 -- read and set message counter
461 O2 := Msg(Pos..Pos+1);
462 Cast_LE(O2);
463 Counter := Raw_Types.Cast(O2);
464 Read_U16( Msg, Pos, Counter );
465 -- rest of message is padding so it's ignored
466 -- copy the keys mgm structure to output param
467 KMgm := Mgm;
468 end;
469 end Read_KMgm;
471 -- Write a 16 bits value to Octets at Pos; Pos increases by 2.
472 procedure Write_U16( Msg: in out Raw_Types.Octets;
473 Pos: in out Natural;
474 U16: in Interfaces.Unsigned_16) is
475 begin
476 Msg(Pos..Pos+1) := Raw_Types.Cast(U16);
477 Cast_LE(Msg(Pos..Pos+1));
478 Pos := Pos + 2;
479 end Write_U16;
481 -- Read a 16-bits values from Octets from Pos; Pos increases by 2.
482 procedure Read_U16( Msg: in Raw_Types.Octets;
483 Pos: in out Natural;
484 U16: out Interfaces.Unsigned_16) is
485 O2 : Raw_Types.Octets_2;
486 begin
487 O2 := Msg(Pos..Pos+1);
488 Cast_LE(O2);
489 U16 := Raw_Types.Cast(O2);
490 Pos := Pos + 2;
491 end Read_U16;
493 end Messages;
- 32CD2279D2E7501F1C713A414424C1BB37D4C54FD279B14221ED6409431C47F469DCCFFE0B5ED303B1E3B2C77B2D7BB81E7902A4FACD4D96B8E28522A71BB69F
+ D6C3980DA332629A8C09CFBFB32E1962AD689C7ECBC4A8EE83B02F85C1AA1A3374C5371EEEE7F0CC49FE4C4D8E758F86FA5BA204C5900BD6F4F95CABB3A06EF6
(57 . 7)(57 . 34)
498 Counter : out Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
499 KMgm : out Keys_Mgm);
501 ----------------- File Transfer ----------------------
503 -- Writes the given File Chunk to a File Transfer type of message
504 -- Chunk - chunk of file to write; contains counter, filename, content
505 procedure Write_File_Transfer( Chunk : in File_Chunk;
506 Msg : out Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg);
508 -- The opposite of Write_File_Transfer method above.
509 -- Chunk will contain the counter, filename and content
510 procedure Read_File_Transfer( Msg : in Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg;
511 Chunk : out File_Chunk);
513 ----------------- File Request ----------------------
514 -- Writes a message to request the files specified through their names
515 -- Written parameter will hold the number of filenames actually written
516 -- NB: this can be less than the number of filenames provided!
517 -- When Written < FR.F_No, the FIRST Written filenames were written; the rest
518 -- did not fit into the message and it's up to caller to decide what to do.
519 procedure Write_File_Request( FR : in Filenames;
520 Counter : in Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
521 Msg : out Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg;
522 Written : out Natural);
524 -- Reads a request for files; the opposite of Write_File_Request above
525 -- Raises Invalid_Msg exception if the provided message fails checks.
526 procedure Read_File_Request( Msg : in Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg;
527 Counter : out Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
528 FR : out Filenames);
530 ------------------
531 -- RSA Messages --
(90 . 12)(117 . 20)
534 -- Reads a Key management structure from the given RSA Message
535 -- The opposite of Write_KMgm_SMsg above
536 -- Raises Invalid_Message exception if given message fails sanity checks
537 -- Raises Invalid_Msg exception if given message fails sanity checks
538 procedure Read_KMgm_RMsg( Msg : in Raw_Types.RSA_Msg;
539 Counter : out Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
540 KMgm : out Keys_Mgm);
543 -- String to Octets conversion
544 -- NB: Str'Length has to be EQUAL to Octets'Length!
545 procedure String_To_Octets(Str: in String; O: out Raw_Types.Octets);
547 -- Octets to string conversion
548 -- NB: Str'Length has to be EQUAL to Octets'Length!
549 procedure Octets_To_String(O: in Raw_Types.Octets; Str: out String);
551 private
553 -- if native is little endian, does nothing;
(103 . 6)(138 . 10)
555 -- (strictly for arrays of octets)
556 procedure Cast_LE( LE: in out Raw_Types.Octets );
558 -- separator used for list of filenames
559 F_Sep: constant String := ";"; --as string
560 Sep: constant Interfaces.Unsigned_8 := 16#3B#; -- ascii code
562 -- protocol message types IDs, fixed as per protocol specification
563 -- Serpent messages end in "S_Type"
564 -- RSA messages end in "R_Type"
(164 . 4)(203 . 24)
566 Counter : out Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
567 KMgm : out Keys_Mgm);
569 -- helper methods to read/write a value on 16 bits (using Cast_LE as needed)
571 -- Writing a 16-bits value to the given Octets at specified position.
572 -- NB: Caller has to make sure Pos <= Msg'Last -1 ; NO check here!
573 -- Msg - the array of octets into which the value is to be written
574 -- Pos - the position in Msg at which to write the value;
575 -- NB: Pos will be increased by 2 after the write!
576 -- U16 - the value to write
577 procedure Write_U16( Msg: in out Raw_Types.Octets;
578 Pos: in out Natural;
579 U16: in Interfaces.Unsigned_16);
581 -- Reading a 16-bits value from the given Octets at specified position.
582 -- NB: Caller has to make sure Pos <= Msg'Last -1 ; NO check here!
583 -- Pos - the position in Msg from which to read the value;
584 -- NB: Pos will be increased by 2 after the read!
585 -- The opposite of Write_U16 above.
586 procedure Read_U16( Msg: in Raw_Types.Octets;
587 Pos: in out Natural;
588 U16: out Interfaces.Unsigned_16);
589 end Messages;
- EAFEF048291AFF4715A31FE02B0BA62CAB5D4B2D5D1E904B4A25DBA9B08584B198C4BAB46CA115B4809DD8506875719D6F30C506797CD0B399A2077C22BA1882
+ A8A3F14CBACAEC0691D66C7058CD758C510E3ADDEC91D5529093F6259AD65D3353B714F316A32CDE7CC476CAC611B167250CE6615DB506CB7D62ED98CBCC8BDF
(93 . 7)(93 . 7)
594 end if;
596 -- try to unpack a mangled package
597 Pkt(Pkt'First + 3) := Pkt(Pkt'First + 3) and 16#AB#;
598 Pkt(Pkt'First + 3) := Pkt(Pkt'First + 3) + 1;
599 Decr_Msg := (others => 0);
600 Decr_Msg := Packing.Unpack( Pkt, SKey, Success );
601 if Success then
- 108527AA9877FD1AA76FDF913C50760854260B8406DB12A4C7B1A1A052D593EACC2D59D8F36F7BF70BDC6AC21A3A28E80930C89A64020AE597B67976100F61E2
+ 60BA5DFFA63414F5B2D28611DA978EF0CDAACCAEEBA3383699E8EBFF223F608BED0F6752411067CF8A40BBB209040FCC621557BCF771F2459268ABE0EDCDC6A9
(130 . 5)(130 . 175)
607 end Serialize_Keys_Mgm;
609 procedure Serialize_File_Request( Reps: in Positive) is
610 MaxSz: Positive := 340;
611 O2 : Raw_Types.Octets_2;
612 U16 : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
613 Counter : Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
614 ReadCounter: Interfaces.Unsigned_16;
615 Written: Natural;
616 Msg : Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg;
617 F_No, Sz: Text_Len;
618 begin
619 for I in 1 .. Reps loop
620 -- generate a random size
621 RNG.Get_Octets( O2 );
622 U16 := Raw_Types.Cast( O2 );
623 Sz := Text_Len( Positive(U16) mod MaxSz + 1);
625 -- generate a random number of files
626 RNG.Get_Octets( O2 );
627 U16 := Raw_Types.Cast( O2 );
628 F_No := Text_Len( Positive(U16) mod Sz );
629 if F_No = 0 then
630 F_No := 1;
631 end if;
633 declare
634 FR: Filenames(F_No, Sz);
635 ReadFR: Filenames;
636 O : Octets(1..Sz);
637 Len : Positive := Sz / F_No;
638 begin
639 Put_Line("Generating test for File Request with " &
640 Integer'Image(FR.F_No) & " filenames.");
641 -- generate a random counter
642 RNG.Get_Octets(O2);
643 Counter := Raw_Types.Cast(O2);
645 -- fill FR
646 RNG.Get_Octets( O );
647 -- replace separators if any
648 for I in O'Range loop
649 if O(I) = 59 then
650 O(I) := 69;
651 end if;
652 end loop;
654 Octets_To_String( O, FR.S );
655 for I in FR.Starts'Range loop
656 FR.Starts(I) := Interfaces.Unsigned_16( FR.Starts'First +
657 Len*(I-FR.Starts'First));
658 end loop;
660 -- write FR to message
661 Write_File_Request(FR, Counter, Msg, Written);
663 -- check how many filenames were written
664 if Written /= FR.F_No then
665 Put_Line("FAIL: only " & Natural'Image(Written) &
666 " filenames written out of " & Natural'Image(FR.F_No));
667 else
668 Put_Line("PASS: wrote " & Natural'Image(Written) & " filenames.");
669 end if;
671 -- read it from message and check result
672 Read_File_Request(Msg, ReadCounter, ReadFR);
673 if ReadCounter /= Counter then
674 Put_Line("FAIL: ReadCounter is " & Unsigned_16'Image(ReadCounter) &
675 " instead of expected " & Unsigned_16'Image(Counter) );
676 else
677 Put_Line("PASS: ReadCounter was read correctly as " &
678 Unsigned_16'Image(ReadCounter));
679 end if;
680 if ReadFr.Sz /= FR.Sz then
681 Put_Line("FAIL: Read FR.Sz = " & Text_Len'Image(ReadFr.Sz) &
682 " while expected sz is " & Text_Len'Image(FR.Sz));
683 else
684 Put_Line("PASS: Read FR.Sz as expected = " &
685 Text_Len'Image(ReadFr.Sz));
686 end if;
687 if ReadFr /= FR then
688 Put_Line("FAIL: ReadFr different from FR.");
689 else
690 Put_Line("PASS: ReadFr as expected, same as FR.");
691 end if;
692 end;
693 end loop;
695 -- test with more files than can fit
696 Put_Line("Test case for File Request with more files than fit.");
697 declare
698 F: Filenames(4, 16384);
699 ReadF: Filenames;
700 begin
701 F.Starts(1) := Interfaces.Unsigned_16(F.S'First);
702 F.Starts(2) := Interfaces.Unsigned_16(F.S'First + 342);
703 F.Starts(3) := 16370;
704 F.Starts(4) := 16380;
705 Write_File_Request(F, Counter, Msg, Written);
706 if Written /= 1 then
707 Put_Line("FAIL: Written is " & Natural'Image(Written) &
708 " instead of expected 1.");
709 else
710 Put_Line("PASS: Written is 1 out of 4, as expected.");
711 end if;
712 Read_File_Request(Msg, ReadCounter, ReadF);
713 if ReadF.F_No /= 1 or ReadF.Starts(1) /= 1 or ReadF.Sz /= 342 then
714 Put_Line("FAIL: F_No is " & Text_Len'Image(ReadF.F_No) &
715 " Sz is " & Text_Len'Image(ReadF.Sz));
716 else
717 Put_line("PASS: written 1 out of 4 correctly.");
718 end if;
719 end;
720 end Serialize_File_Request;
722 procedure Serialize_File_Chunk is
723 Filename : String := "afile.png";
724 FC : File_Chunk( Len => 945,
725 Count => 0,
726 Name_Len => Filename'Length);
727 ReadFC : File_Chunk;
728 Msg : Raw_Types.Serpent_Msg;
729 begin
730 -- fill FC with random content
731 FC.Filename := Filename;
732 RNG.Get_Octets(FC.Content);
734 -- write FC to message
735 Write_File_Transfer( FC, Msg );
737 -- read FC and check
738 Read_File_Transfer( Msg, ReadFC );
740 if FC /= ReadFC then
741 Put_Line("FAIL: read/write file chunk.");
742 else
743 Put_Line("PASS: read/write file chunk.");
744 end if;
745 end Serialize_File_Chunk;
747 procedure Converter_String_Octets is
748 Len: constant Natural := 234;
749 -- original values
750 S: String(1..Len);
751 O: Octets(1..Len);
752 -- converted values
753 CS: String(1..Len);
754 CO: Octets(1..Len);
755 begin
756 -- original octets
757 RNG.Get_Octets(O);
758 Octets_To_String(O, CS);
759 String_To_Octets(CS, CO);
760 if CO /= O then
761 Put_Line("FAIL: octets different after string/octets conversion.");
762 else
763 Put_Line("PASS: octets same after string/octets conversion.");
764 end if;
766 -- original string
767 for I in S'Range loop
768 S(I) := Character'Val(I mod 12);
769 end loop;
770 String_To_Octets(S, CO);
771 Octets_To_String(CO, CS);
772 if CS /= S then
773 Put_Line("FAIL: string different after string/octets conversion.");
774 else
775 Put_Line("PASS: string same after string/octets conversion.");
776 end if;
777 end Converter_String_Octets;
779 end Test_Serializing;
- E6F805434755B87ED7E265A405C3A505498AB7D154C47206DC3A7EC980EE58FD3DF2AF9DF762EA764F82DD59C7AC90F99F61E48B1B99A88D38762C497F816572
+ 77DFBF402E60B9CD4D8838421571BC7D018078B66C4B7D54C40BCAE20CD5554072704D6476659F19F8DD4BA82A3A006F1E0B5B2C2228AAA0ABAAA87C338C025A
(7 . 6)(7 . 10)
786 procedure Serialize_Keyset_SS;
787 procedure Serialize_Keys_Mgm;
788 procedure Serialize_File_Request( Reps: in Positive );
789 procedure Serialize_File_Chunk;
791 procedure Converter_String_Octets;
793 private
- 117663918D15B926ACF72A7AE5E3736AAB93B06A12148422D9A74DE147FB6E6F66961282CEC214A9F946E778DB1129BFDF14B184E63B84DF86E54A07312DF35A
+ 8CCD7A252824F3A0BA71E0B69FB36B7347146EA1B64AA0B297799717384C3FF1E954792EC2C4E1C762252A0C96AE46E438FE4CD541FA5A477C29B11C991B5775
(16 . 4)(16 . 7)
799 Test_Packing.Test_Pack_Unpack_RSA;
800 Test_Serializing.Serialize_Keyset_SS;
801 Test_Serializing.Serialize_Keys_Mgm;
802 Test_Serializing.Serialize_File_Chunk;
803 Test_Serializing.Serialize_File_Request(5);
804 Test_Serializing.Converter_String_Octets;
805 end testall;