(1 . 3)(1 . 4)
757 532398 smg_comms_genesis diana_coman The first seed of an implementation of S.MG's communication protocol for Eulora: definitions for basic types, methods to/from network format, basic client/server test running locally on the same machine.
758 546000 smg_comms_raw_types diana_coman Part of layer 0 - raw types for the updated version of the protocol containing only two types of packets: 1470 octets RSA packet and 1472 octets Serpent packet.
759 546152 smg_comms_packing_serpent diana_coman Packing/Unpacking Serpent messages <-> Serpent packets. Includes Serpent implementation.
760 547275 smg_comms_c_wrappers diana_coman C wrappers for RSA and MPI methods that are needed by SMG Comms (so that they can be called from Ada using only arrays of octets as inputs/outputs).