- E9AAF0AAF32DFFB5B8BB8379A618FAFE0F36E23A48736031530A03A8A4C0A9EE3825E8D825703F313B164453C1F145941C79E3CBB7B55729CFA827FFEE6FBE41
+ E1266BE5F283A603704E6A1541A122FC956D320BFC7D6144DCBB3AA75DF924396807AE84D64B30FDA19BAE83ACA09B6BB45740F6A4D7D7A8A94D4E8FA8DF4B7E
(45 . 14)(45 . 6)
13 $comment_time = $comment_check[0];^M
14 $comment_IP = $comment_check[1];^M
15 ^M
16 // Special handle for idiots.^M
17 /*^M
18 if (($comment_author_email == "icriss78@yahoo.com")||($comment_author_url == "http://blog.matinal.org")) {^M
19 $comment_author_url = "";^M
20 $comment_content.= "\n\n<em>Eu sunt <a href=http://polimedia.us/trilema/2011/trolul-perfect/>o simpla fictiune</a>. Luati ce-am scris mai sus ca atare.</em>";^M
21 }^M
22 */^M
23 ^M
24 // GPG catchall.^M
25 ^M
26 if (strpos($comment_content,"BEGIN PGP")>0) $comment_content = "<code>".$comment_content."</code>";^M
(61 . 7)(53 . 7)
28 ^M
29 if (((time() - $comment_time) < 3)||(time() - $comment_time > 5000)||($comment_IP <> $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) wp_die( __('Looks like you tried to comment off a stale page. Reload the article, count to three and try again.') );^M
30 ^M
31 $myrows = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT comment_ID FROM tril_comments WHERE comment_author_IP = "'.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].'" and comment_approved = "spam";');^M
32 $myrows = $wpdb->get_var('SELECT comment_ID FROM '.$wpdb->comments.' WHERE comment_author_IP = "'.$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"].'" and comment_approved = "spam";');^M
33 if ($myrows > 0) wp_die( __('Spammers need not apply.') );^M
34 ^M
35 // If the user is logged in^M