- 3A2E057BA3AC9B93E7A59AEFAAC06B59AC1AEA9E3AD539356B79D2F33CD05DD2D6EC788DAA4672817B3A74B07187D8A8C8228B0A1EE410A9D49EE7BC2BB9AFF3
+ 77C1FE5CE35C77D6B10D9B534C6E2ACED87E55BB4C402E7113AF40B2901539B282CA8A4BD5704022FBA1D10D8305C956030239B2B66AE2732616C3E1FD9A3E5F
(1 . 4)(1 . 5)
5 589248 logotron_genesis "Genesis."
6 589480 multsel_and_datefix "Multiline selections and fix for date arrow."
7 589662 raw_line_export "Export lines in Phf format; fix for debug knob."
8 589674 rle_errata "Date arrow enable fix."
9 589248 logotron_genesis asciilifeform "Genesis."
10 589480 multsel_and_datefix asciilifeform "Multiline selections and fix for date arrow."
11 589662 raw_line_export asciilifeform "Export lines in Phf format; fix for debug knob."
12 589674 rle_errata asciilifeform "Date arrow enable fix."
13 589783 irssi2tmsr diana_coman "Converter of irssi logs to the tmsr format used by the logotron. Added authors in MANIFEST.TXT."