ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv      1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 3 -- This file is part of 'Finite Field Arithmetic', aka 'FFA'. --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 4 -- --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 5 -- (C) 2017 Stanislav Datskovskiy ( www.loper-os.org ) --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 6 -- http://wot.deedbot.org/17215D118B7239507FAFED98B98228A001ABFFC7.html --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 7 -- --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 8 -- You do not have, nor can you ever acquire the right to use, copy or --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 9 -- distribute this software ; Should you use this software for any purpose, --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 10 -- or copy and distribute it to anyone or in any manner, you are breaking --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 11 -- the laws of whatever soi-disant jurisdiction, and you promise to --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 12 -- continue doing so for the indefinite future. In any case, please --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 13 -- always : read and understand any software ; verify any PGP signatures --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 14 -- that you use - for any purpose. --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 15 -- --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 16 -- See also http://trilema.com/2015/a-new-software-licensing-paradigm . --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 19
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 20 -- Basics
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 21 with OS; use OS;
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 22 with CmdLine; use CmdLine;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 23
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 24 -- FFA
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 25 with FFA; use FFA;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 26
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 27 -- For the intrinsic equality operator on Words
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 28 use type FFA.Word;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 29
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 30 -- For RNG:
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 31 with FFA_RNG; use FFA_RNG;
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 32
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 33
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 34 procedure FFA_Calc is
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 35
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 36 Width : Positive; -- Desired FFA Width
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 37 Height : Positive; -- Desired Height of Stack
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 38 RNG : RNG_Device; -- The active RNG device.
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 39
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 40 begin
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 41 if Arg_Count < 3 or Arg_Count > 4 then
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 42 Eggog("Usage: ./ffa_calc WIDTH HEIGHT [/dev/rng]");
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 43 end if;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 44
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 45 declare
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 46 Arg1 : CmdLineArg;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 47 Arg2 : CmdLineArg;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 48 begin
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 49 -- Get commandline args:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 50 Get_Argument(1, Arg1); -- First arg
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 51 Get_Argument(2, Arg2); -- Second arg
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 52
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 53 if Arg_Count = 4 then
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 54 -- RNG was specified:
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 55 declare
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 56 Arg3 : CmdLineArg;
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 57 begin
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 58 Get_Argument(3, Arg3); -- Third arg (optional)
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 59
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 60 -- Ada.Sequential_IO chokes on paths with trailing whitespace!
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 61 -- So we have to give it a trimmed path. But we can't use
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 62 -- Ada.Strings.Fixed.Trim, because it suffers from
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 63 -- SecondaryStackism-syphilis. Instead we are stuck doing this:
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 64 Init_RNG(RNG, Arg3(Arg3'First .. Len_Arg(3)));
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 65 end;
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 66 else
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 67 -- RNG was NOT specified:
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 68 Init_RNG(RNG); -- Use the machine default then
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 69 end if;
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 70
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 71 -- Parse into Positives:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 72 Width := Positive'Value(Arg1);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 73 Height := Positive'Value(Arg2);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 74 exception
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 75 when others =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 76 Eggog("Invalid arguments!");
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 77 end;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 78
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 79 -- Test if proposed Width is permissible:
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 80 if not FFA_FZ_Valid_Bitness_P(Width) then
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 81 Eggog("Invalid Width: " & FFA_Validity_Rule_Doc);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 82 end if;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 83
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 84 -- The Calculator itself:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 85 declare
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 86
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 87 -- The number of Words required to make a FZ of the given Bitness.
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 88 Wordness : Indices := Indices(Width / Bitness);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 89
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 90 --------------------------------------------------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 91 -- State --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 92 --------------------------------------------------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 93 -- The Stack:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 94 subtype Stack_Positions is Natural range 0 .. Height;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 95 type Stacks is array(Stack_Positions range <>) of FZ(1 .. Wordness);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 96 Stack : Stacks(Stack_Positions'Range);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 97
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 98 -- Stack Pointer:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 99 SP : Stack_Positions := Stack_Positions'First;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 100
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 101 -- Carry/Borrow Flag:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 102 Flag : WBool := 0;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 103
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 104 -- Odometer:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 105 Pos : Natural := 0;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 106
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 107 -- The current levels of the three types of nestedness:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 108 QuoteLevel : Natural := 0;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 109 CommLevel : Natural := 0;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 110 CondLevel : Natural := 0;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 111 --------------------------------------------------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 112
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 113
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 114 -- Clear the stack and set SP to bottom.
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 115 procedure Zap is
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 116 begin
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 117 -- Clear the stack
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 118 for i in Stack'Range loop
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 119 FFA_FZ_Clear(Stack(i));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 120 end loop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 121 -- Set SP to bottom
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 122 SP := Stack_Positions'First;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 123 -- Clear Overflow flag
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 124 Flag := 0;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 125 end Zap;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 126
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 127
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 128 -- Report a fatal error condition at the current symbol
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 129 procedure E(S : in String) is
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 130 begin
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 131 Eggog("Pos:" & Natural'Image(Pos) & ": " & S);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 132 end E;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 133
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 134
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 135 -- Move SP up
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 136 procedure Push is
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 137 begin
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 138 if SP = Stack_Positions'Last then
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 139 E("Stack Overflow!");
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 140 else
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 141 SP := SP + 1;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 142 end if;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 143 end Push;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 144
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 145
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 146 -- Discard the top of the stack
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 147 procedure Drop is
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 148 begin
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 149 FFA_FZ_Clear(Stack(SP));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 150 SP := SP - 1;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 151 end Drop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 152
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 153
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 154 -- Check if stack has the necessary N items
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 155 procedure Want(N : in Positive) is
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 156 begin
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 157 if SP < N then
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 158 E("Stack Underflow!");
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 159 end if;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 160 end Want;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 161
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 162
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 163 -- Ensure that a divisor is not zero
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 164 procedure MustNotZero(D : in FZ) is
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 165 begin
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 166 if FFA_FZ_ZeroP(D) = 1 then
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 167 E("Division by Zero!");
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 168 end if;
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 169 end MustNotZero;
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 170
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 171
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 172 -- Slide a new hex digit into the FZ on top of stack
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 173 procedure Ins_Hex_Digit(Digit : in Nibble) is
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 174 Overflow : WBool := 0;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 175 begin
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 176
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 177 -- Insert the given nibble, and detect any overflow:
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 178 FFA_FZ_Insert_Bottom_Nibble(N => Stack(SP),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 179 D => Digit,
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 180 Overflow => Overflow);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 181
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 182 -- Constants which exceed the Width are forbidden:
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 183 if Overflow = 1 then
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 184 E("Constant Exceeds Bitness!");
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 185 end if;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 186
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 187 end;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 188
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 189
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 190 -- Emit an ASCII representation of N to the terminal
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 191 procedure Print_FZ(N : in FZ) is
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 192 S : String(1 .. FFA_FZ_ASCII_Length(N)); -- Mandatorily, exact size
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 193 begin
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 194 FFA_FZ_To_Hex_String(N, S); -- Convert N to ASCII hex
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 195 Write_String(S); -- Print the result to stdout
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 196 Write_Newline; -- Print newline, for clarity.
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 197 end Print_FZ;
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 198
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 199
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 200 -- Execute a Normal Op
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 201 procedure Op_Normal(C : in Character) is
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 202
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 203 -- Over/underflow output from certain ops
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 204 F : Word;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 205
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 206 begin
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 207
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 208 case C is
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 209
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 210 --------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 211 -- Stickies --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 212 --------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 213 -- Enter Commented
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 214 when '(' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 215 CommLevel := 1;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 216
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 217 -- Exit Commented (but we aren't in it!)
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 218 when ')' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 219 E("Mismatched close-comment parenthesis !");
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 220
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 221 -- Enter Quoted
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 222 when '[' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 223 QuoteLevel := 1;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 224
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 225 -- Exit Quoted (but we aren't in it!)
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 226 when ']' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 227 E("Mismatched close-quote bracket !");
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 228
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 229 -- Enter a ~taken~ Conditional branch:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 230 when '{' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 231 Want(1);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 232 if FFA_FZ_ZeroP(Stack(SP)) = 1 then
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 233 CondLevel := 1;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 234 end if;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 235 Drop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 236
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 237 -- Exit from a ~non-taken~ Conditional branch:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 238 -- ... we push a 0, to suppress the 'else' clause
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 239 when '}' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 240 Push;
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 241 FFA_WBool_To_FZ(0, Stack(SP));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 242
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 243 ----------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 244 -- Immediates --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 245 ----------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 246
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 247 -- These operate on the FZ ~currently~ at top of the stack;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 248 -- and this means that the stack may NOT be empty.
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 249
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 250 when '0' .. '9' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 251 Want(1);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 252 Ins_Hex_Digit(Character'Pos(C) - Character'Pos('0'));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 253
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 254 when 'A' .. 'F' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 255 Want(1);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 256 Ins_Hex_Digit(10 + Character'Pos(C) - Character'Pos('A'));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 257
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 258 when 'a' .. 'f' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 259 Want(1);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 260 Ins_Hex_Digit(10 + Character'Pos(C) - Character'Pos('a'));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 261
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 262 ------------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 263 -- Stack Motion --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 264 ------------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 265
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 266 -- Push a 0 onto the stack
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 267 when '.' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 268 Push;
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 269 FFA_FZ_Clear(Stack(SP));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 270
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 271 -- Dup
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 272 when '"' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 273 Want(1);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 274 Push;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 275 Stack(SP) := Stack(SP - 1);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 276
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 277 -- Drop
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 278 when '_' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 279 Want(1);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 280 Drop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 281
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 282 -- Swap
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 283 when ''' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 284 Want(2);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 285 FFA_FZ_Swap(Stack(SP), Stack(SP - 1));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 286
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 287 -- Over
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 288 when '`' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 289 Want(2);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 290 Push;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 291 Stack(SP) := Stack(SP - 2);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 292
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 293 ----------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 294 -- Predicates --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 295 ----------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 296
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 297 -- Equality
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 298 when '=' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 299 Want(2);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 300 FFA_WBool_To_FZ(FFA_FZ_EqP(X => Stack(SP),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 301 Y => Stack(SP - 1)),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 302 Stack(SP - 1));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 303 Drop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 304
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 305 -- Less-Than
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 306 when '<' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 307 Want(2);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 308 FFA_WBool_To_FZ(FFA_FZ_LessThanP(X => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 309 Y => Stack(SP)),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 310 Stack(SP - 1));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 311 Drop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 312
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 313 -- Greater-Than
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 314 when '>' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 315 Want(2);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 316 FFA_WBool_To_FZ(FFA_FZ_GreaterThanP(X => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 317 Y => Stack(SP)),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 318 Stack(SP - 1));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 319 Drop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 320
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 321 ----------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 322 -- Arithmetic --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 323 ----------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 324
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 325 -- Subtract
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 326 when '-' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 327 Want(2);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 328 FFA_FZ_Subtract(X => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 329 Y => Stack(SP),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 330 Difference => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 331 Underflow => F);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 332 Flag := FFA_Word_NZeroP(F);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 333 Drop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 334
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 335 -- Add
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 336 when '+' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 337 Want(2);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 338 FFA_FZ_Add(X => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 339 Y => Stack(SP),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 340 Sum => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 341 Overflow => F);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 342 Flag := FFA_Word_NZeroP(F);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 343 Drop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 344
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 345 -- Divide and give Quotient and Remainder
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 346 when '\' =>
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 347 Want(2);
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 348 MustNotZero(Stack(SP));
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 349 FFA_FZ_IDiv(Dividend => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 350 Divisor => Stack(SP),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 351 Quotient => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 352 Remainder => Stack(SP));
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 353
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 354 -- Divide and give Quotient only
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 355 when '/' =>
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 356 Want(2);
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 357 MustNotZero(Stack(SP));
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 358 FFA_FZ_Div(Dividend => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 359 Divisor => Stack(SP),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 360 Quotient => Stack(SP - 1));
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 361 Drop;
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 362
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 363 -- Divide and give Remainder only
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 364 when '%' =>
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 365 Want(2);
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 366 MustNotZero(Stack(SP));
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 367 FFA_FZ_Mod(Dividend => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 368 Divisor => Stack(SP),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 369 Remainder => Stack(SP - 1));
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 370 Drop;
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 371
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 372 -- Multiply, give bottom and top halves
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 373 when '*' =>
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 374 Want(2);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 375 FFA_FZ_Multiply(X => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 376 Y => Stack(SP),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 377 XY_Lo => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 378 XY_Hi => Stack(SP));
ffa_ch5_egypt.kv 379
ffa_ch6_simplest_... 380 -- Modular Multiplication
ffa_ch6_simplest_... 381 when 'M' =>
ffa_ch6_simplest_... 382 Want(3);
ffa_ch6_simplest_... 383 MustNotZero(Stack(SP));
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 384 FFA_FZ_Modular_Multiply(X => Stack(SP - 2),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 385 Y => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 386 Modulus => Stack(SP),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 387 Product => Stack(SP - 2));
ffa_ch6_simplest_... 388 Drop;
ffa_ch6_simplest_... 389 Drop;
ffa_ch6_simplest_... 390
ffa_ch6_simplest_... 391 -- Modular Exponentiation
ffa_ch6_simplest_... 392 when 'X' =>
ffa_ch6_simplest_... 393 Want(3);
ffa_ch6_simplest_... 394 MustNotZero(Stack(SP));
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 395 FFA_FZ_Modular_Exponentiate(Base => Stack(SP - 2),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 396 Exponent => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 397 Modulus => Stack(SP),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 398 Result => Stack(SP - 2));
ffa_ch6_simplest_... 399 Drop;
ffa_ch6_simplest_... 400 Drop;
ffa_ch6_simplest_... 401
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 402 -----------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 403 -- Bitwise Ops --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 404 -----------------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 405
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 406 -- Bitwise-And
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 407 when '&' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 408 Want(2);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 409 FFA_FZ_And(X => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 410 Y => Stack(SP),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 411 Result => Stack(SP - 1));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 412 Drop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 413
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 414 -- Bitwise-Or
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 415 when '|' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 416 Want(2);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 417 FFA_FZ_Or(X => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 418 Y => Stack(SP),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 419 Result => Stack(SP - 1));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 420 Drop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 421
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 422 -- Bitwise-Xor
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 423 when '^' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 424 Want(2);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 425 FFA_FZ_Xor(X => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 426 Y => Stack(SP),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 427 Result => Stack(SP - 1));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 428 Drop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 429
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 430 -- Bitwise-Not (1s-Complement)
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 431 when '~' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 432 Want(1);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 433 FFA_FZ_Not(Stack(SP), Stack(SP));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 434
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 435 -----------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 436 -- Other --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 437 -----------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 438
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 439 -- Push a FZ of RNGolade onto the stack
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 440 when '?' =>
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 441 Push;
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 442 FFA_FZ_Clear(Stack(SP));
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 443 FZ_Random(RNG, Stack(SP));
ffa_ch8_randomism.kv 444
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 445 -- mUx
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 446 when 'U' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 447 Want(3);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 448 FFA_FZ_Mux(X => Stack(SP - 2),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 449 Y => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 450 Result => Stack(SP - 2),
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 451 Sel => FFA_FZ_NZeroP(Stack(SP)));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 452 Drop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 453 Drop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 454
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 455 -- Put the Overflow flag on the stack
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 456 when 'O' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 457 Push;
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 458 FFA_WBool_To_FZ(Flag, Stack(SP));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 459
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 460 -- Print the FZ on the top of the stack
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 461 when '#' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 462 Want(1);
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 463 Print_FZ(Stack(SP));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 464 Drop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 465
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 466 -- Zap (reset)
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 467 when 'Z' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 468 Zap;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 469
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 470 -- Quit with Stack Trace
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 471 when 'Q' =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 472 for I in reverse Stack'First + 1 .. SP loop
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 473 Print_FZ(Stack(I));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 474 end loop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 475 Quit(0);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 476
ffa_ch12_karatsub... 477 ---------------------------------------------------------
ffa_ch12_karatsub... 478 -- Ch. 12B:
ffa_ch12_karatsub... 479 -- Square, give bottom and top halves
ffa_ch12_karatsub... 480 when 'S' =>
ffa_ch12_karatsub... 481 Want(1);
ffa_ch12_karatsub... 482 Push;
ffa_ch12_karatsub... 483 FFA_FZ_Square(X => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch12_karatsub... 484 XX_Lo => Stack(SP - 1),
ffa_ch12_karatsub... 485 XX_Hi => Stack(SP));
ffa_ch12_karatsub... 486 ---------------------------------------------------------
ffa_ch12_karatsub... 487
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 488 ----------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 489 -- NOPs --
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 490 ----------
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 491
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 492 -- Ops we have not yet spoken of -- do nothing
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 493 when others =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 494 null;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 495
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 496 end case;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 497
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 498 end Op_Normal;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 499
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 500
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 501 -- Process a Symbol
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 502 procedure Op(C : in Character) is
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 503 begin
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 504 -- First, see whether we are in a state of nestedness:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 505
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 506 -- ... in a Comment block:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 507 if CommLevel > 0 then
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 508 case C is
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 509 when ')' => -- Drop a nesting level:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 510 CommLevel := CommLevel - 1;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 511 when '(' => -- Add a nesting level:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 512 CommLevel := CommLevel + 1;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 513 when others =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 514 null; -- Other symbols have no effect at all
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 515 end case;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 516
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 517 -- ... in a Quote block:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 518 elsif QuoteLevel > 0 then
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 519 case C is
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 520 when ']' => -- Drop a nesting level:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 521 QuoteLevel := QuoteLevel - 1;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 522 when '[' => -- Add a nesting level:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 523 QuoteLevel := QuoteLevel + 1;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 524 when others =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 525 null; -- Other symbols have no effect on the level
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 526 end case;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 527
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 528 -- If we aren't the mode-exiting ']', print current symbol:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 529 if QuoteLevel > 0 then
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 530 Write_Char(C);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 531 end if;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 532
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 533 --- ... in a ~taken~ Conditional branch:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 534 elsif CondLevel > 0 then
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 535 case C is
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 536 when '}' => -- Drop a nesting level:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 537 CondLevel := CondLevel - 1;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 538
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 539 -- If we exited the Conditional as a result,
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 540 -- we push a 1 to trigger the possible 'else' clause:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 541 if CondLevel = 0 then
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 542 Push;
ffa_ch11_tuning_a... 543 FFA_WBool_To_FZ(1, Stack(SP));
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 544 end if;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 545
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 546 when '{' => -- Add a nesting level:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 547 CondLevel := CondLevel + 1;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 548 when others =>
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 549 null; -- Other symbols have no effect on the level
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 550 end case;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 551 else
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 552 -- This is a Normal Op, so proceed with the normal rules.
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 553 Op_Normal(C);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 554 end if;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 555
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 556 end Op;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 557
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 558
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 559 -- Current Character
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 560 C : Character;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 561
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 562 begin
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 563 -- Reset the Calculator
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 564 Zap;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 565 -- Process characters until EOF:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 566 loop
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 567 if Read_Char(C) then
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 568 -- Execute Op:
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 569 Op(C);
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 570 -- Advance Odometer
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 571 Pos := Pos + 1;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 572 else
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 573 Zap;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 574 Quit(0); -- if EOF, we're done
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 575 end if;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 576 end loop;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 577 end;
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 578
ffa_ch4_ffacalc.kv 579 end FFA_Calc;