eucrypt_ch6_kecca...    1  -- S.MG, 2018
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 2 with System; use System; -- for Bit_Order
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 3 with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 4
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 5 package body SMG_Keccak is
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 6
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 7 -- public function, sponge
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 8 procedure Sponge( Input : in Bytestream;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 9 Output : out Bytestream;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 10 Block_Len : in Keccak_Rate := Default_Byterate ) is
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 11 Internal : State := (others => (others => 0));
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 12 begin
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 13 --absorb input into sponge in a loop on available blocks, including padding
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 14 declare
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 15 -- number of input blocks after padding (pad between 1 and block_len)
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 16 Padded_Blocks : constant Positive := 1 + Input'Length / Block_Len;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 17 Padded : Bytestream ( 1 .. Padded_Blocks * Block_Len );
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 18 Block : Bytestream ( 1 .. Block_Len );
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 19 begin
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 20 -- initialise Padded with 0 everywhere
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 21 Padded := ( others => 0 );
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 22 -- copy and pad input with rule 10*1
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 23 Padded( Padded'First .. Padded'First + Input'Length - 1 ) := Input;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 24 -- padding is 10*1 so start and end with an 1 but LSB order hence 16#80#
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 25 Padded( Padded'First + Input'Length ) := 1;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 26 Padded( Padded'Last ) := Padded( Padded'Last ) + 16#80#;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 27
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 28 -- loop through padded input and absorb block by block into sponge
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 29 -- padded input IS a multiple of blocks, so no stray octets left
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 30 for B in 0 .. Padded_Blocks - 1 loop
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 31 -- first get the current block to absorb
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 32 Block := Padded( Padded'First + B * Block_Len ..
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 33 Padded'First + (B+1) * Block_Len - 1 );
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 34 AbsorbBlock( Block, Internal );
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 35 -- scramble state with Keccak function
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 36 Internal := Keccak_Function( Internal );
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 37
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 38 end loop; -- end absorb loop for blocks
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 39 end; -- end absorb stage
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 40
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 41 --squeeze required octets from sponge in a loop as needed
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 42 declare
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 43 -- full blocks per output
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 44 BPO : constant Natural := Output'Length / Block_Len;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 45 -- stray octets per output
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 46 SPO : constant Natural := Output'Length mod Block_Len;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 47 Block : Bytestream( 1 .. Block_Len );
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 48 begin
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 49 -- squeeze block by block (if at least one full block is needed)
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 50 for I in 0 .. BPO - 1 loop
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 51 SqueezeBlock( Block, Internal );
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 52 Output( Output'First + I * Block_Len ..
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 53 Output'First + (I + 1) * Block_Len -1) := Block;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 54
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 55 -- scramble state
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 56 Internal := Keccak_Function( Internal );
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 57 end loop; -- end squeezing full blocks
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 58
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 59 -- squeeze any partial block needed (stray octets)
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 60 if SPO > 0 then
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 61 SqueezeBlock( Block, Internal );
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 62 Output( Output'Last - SPO + 1 .. Output'Last ) :=
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 63 Block( Block'First .. Block'First + SPO - 1 );
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 64 end if; -- end squeezing partial last block (stray octets)
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 65
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 66 end; -- end squeeze stage
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 67 end Sponge;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 68
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 69 -- convert from a bytestream of ZWord/8 size to an actual ZWord number
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 70 -- NB: this will FLIP bits on big endian because keccak expects input LSB
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 71 -- NOT exact opposite of WordToBytes
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 72 function BytesToWordLE( BWord: in Byteword ) return ZWord is
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 73 W : ZWord;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 74 B : Byteword;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 75 begin
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 76 -- just copy octets if machine is little endian
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 77 -- flip octets AND bits if machine is big endian
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 78 if Default_Bit_Order = Low_Order_First then
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 79 B := BWord;
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 80 else
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 81 B := FlipOctets( BWord );
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 82 for I in B'First..B'Last loop
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 83 B(I) := Reverse_Table(Natural(B(I)));
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 84 end loop;
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 85 end if;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 86 -- actual bytes to word conversion
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 87 W := Cast(B);
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 88 return W;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 89 end BytesToWordLE;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 90
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 91 -- convert from a ZWord (lane of state) to a bytestream of ZWord size
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 92 -- NOT exact oppositve of BytesToWordLE
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 93 -- Keccak sponge spits out MSB so bits are flipped on LITTLE Endian iron.
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 94 function WordToBytesBE( Word: in ZWord ) return Byteword is
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 95 B: Byteword;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 96 begin
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 97 B := Cast( Word );
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 98
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 99 -- flip octets if machine is big endian
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 100 if Default_Bit_Order = High_Order_First then
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 101 B := FlipOctets( B );
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 102 else
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 103 -- onth flip bits if machine is little endian....
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 104 for I in B'First..B'Last loop
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 105 B(I) := Reverse_Table(Natural(B(I)));
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 106 end loop;
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 107 end if;
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 108
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 109 return B;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 110 end WordToBytesBE;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 111
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 112 -- flip given octets (i.e. groups of 8 bits)
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 113 function FlipOctets( BWord : in Byteword ) return Byteword is
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 114 B : Byteword;
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 115 begin
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 116 -- copy octets changing their order in the array
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 117 -- i.e. 1st octet in BWord becomes last octet in B and so on
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 118 for I in 0 .. BWord'Length-1 loop
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 119 B(B'First + I) := BWord(BWord'Last-I);
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 120 end loop;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 121 return B;
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 122 end FlipOctets;
eucrypt_ch9_kecca... 123
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 124 -- helper procedures for sponge absorb/squeeze
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 125
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 126 -- NO scramble here, this will absorb ALL given block, make sure it fits!
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 127 procedure AbsorbBlock( Block: in Bytestream; S: in out State ) is
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 128 WPB: constant Natural := Block'Length / Byteword'Length; -- words per block
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 129 SBB: constant Natural := Block'Length mod Byteword'Length; -- stray octets
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 130 FromPos, ToPos : Natural;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 131 X, Y : XYCoord;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 132 Word : ZWord;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 133 BWord : Byteword;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 134 begin
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 135 -- xor current block into first Block'Length octets of state
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 136 -- a block can consist in more than one word
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 137 X := 0;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 138 Y := 0;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 139 for I in 0..WPB-1 loop
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 140 FromPos := Block'First + I * Byteword'Length;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 141 ToPos := FromPos + Byteword'Length - 1;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 142 Word := BytesToWordLE( Block( FromPos .. ToPos ) );
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 143 S( X, Y ) := S( X, Y ) xor Word;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 144 -- move on to next word in state
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 145 X := X + 1;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 146 if X = 0 then
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 147 Y := Y + 1;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 148 end if;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 149 end loop;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 150 -- absorb also any remaining bytes from block
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 151 if SBB > 0 then
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 152 ToPos := Block'Last;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 153 FromPos := ToPos - SBB + 1;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 154 BWord := (others => 0);
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 155 BWord(Byteword'First .. Byteword'First + SBB - 1) := Block(FromPos..ToPos);
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 156 Word := BytesToWordLE( BWord );
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 157 S( X, Y ) := S( X, Y ) xor Word;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 158 end if;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 159 end AbsorbBlock;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 160
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 161 -- NO scramble here, this will squeeze Block'Length bits out of *same* state S
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 162 procedure SqueezeBlock( Block: out Bytestream; S: in State) is
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 163 X, Y : XYCoord;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 164 BWord : Byteword;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 165 FromPos : Natural;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 166 Len : Natural;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 167 begin
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 168 X := 0;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 169 Y := 0;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 170 FromPos := Block'First;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 171
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 172 while FromPos <= Block'Last loop
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 173 BWord := WordToBytesBE( S(X, Y) );
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 174
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 175 X := X + 1;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 176 if X = 0 then
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 177 Y := Y + 1;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 178 end if;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 179
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 180 -- copy full word if it fits or
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 181 -- only as many bytes as are still needed to fill the block
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 182 Len := Block'Last - FromPos + 1;
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 183 if Len > BWord'Length then
eucrypt_ch16_byte... 184 Len := BWord'Length;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 185 end if;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 186
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 187 Block(FromPos..FromPos+Len-1) := BWord(BWord'First..BWord'First+Len-1);
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 188 FromPos := FromPos + Len;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 189 end loop;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 190 end SqueezeBlock;
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 191
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 192
eucrypt_ch7_kecca... 193 -- private, internal transformations
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 194 function Theta(Input : in State) return State is
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 195 Output : State;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 196 C : Plane;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 197 W : ZWord;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 198 begin
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 199 for X in XYCoord loop
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 200 C(X) := Input(X, 0);
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 201 for Y in 1..XYCoord'Last loop
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 202 C(X) := C(X) xor Input(X, Y);
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 203 end loop;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 204 end loop;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 205
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 206 for X in XYCoord loop
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 207 W := C(X-1) xor Rotate_Left(C(X+1), 1);
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 208 for Y in XYCoord loop
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 209 Output(X,Y) := Input(X,Y) xor W;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 210 end loop;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 211 end loop;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 212
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 213 return Output;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 214 end Theta;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 215
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 216 function Rho(Input : in State) return State is
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 217 Output : State;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 218 X, Y, Old_Y : XYCoord;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 219 begin
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 220 Output(0,0) := Input(0,0);
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 221 X := 1;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 222 Y := 0;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 223
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 224 for T in 0..23 loop
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 225 Output(X, Y) := Rotate_Left(Input(X,Y), ((T+1)*(T+2)/2) mod Z_Length);
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 226 Old_Y := Y;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 227 Y := 2*X + 3*Y;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 228 X := Old_Y;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 229 end loop;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 230 return Output;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 231 end rho;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 232
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 233 function Pi(Input : in State) return State is
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 234 Output: State;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 235 begin
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 236 for X in XYCoord loop
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 237 for Y in XYCoord loop
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 238 Output(Y, 2*X + 3*Y) := Input(X, Y);
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 239 end loop;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 240 end loop;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 241 return Output;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 242 end pi;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 243
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 244 function Chi(Input : in State) return State is
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 245 Output: State;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 246 begin
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 247 for Y in XYCoord loop
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 248 for X in XYCoord loop
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 249 Output(X, Y) := Input(X, Y) xor
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 250 ( (not Input(X + 1, Y)) and Input(X + 2, Y) );
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 251 end loop;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 252 end loop;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 253 return Output;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 254 end chi;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 255
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 256 function Iota(Round_Const : in ZWord; Input : in State) return State is
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 257 Output: State;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 258 begin
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 259 Output := Input;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 260 Output(0,0) := Input(0,0) xor Round_Const;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 261 return Output;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 262 end iota;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 263
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 264 function Keccak_Function(Input: in State) return State is
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 265 Output: State;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 266 begin
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 267 Output := Input;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 268 for I in Round_Index loop
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 269 Output := Iota(RC(I), Chi(Pi(Rho(Theta(Output)))));
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 270 end loop;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 271
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 272 return Output;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 273 end Keccak_Function;
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 274
eucrypt_ch6_kecca... 275 end SMG_Keccak;