tree checksum vpatch file split hunks

all signers: mircea_popescu trinque asciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6

antecedents: asciilifeform-kills-integer-retardation bitcoin-asciilifeform.4-goodbye-win32 asciilifeform_ver_now_5_4_and_irc_is_gone_and_now_must_give_ip mod6_fix_dumpblock_params

press order:

genesisasciilifeform ben_vulpes mircea_popescu mod6 trinque
bitcoin-asciilifeform.1asciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6
rm_rf_upnpasciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6
bitcoin-asciilifeform.3-turdmeister-alert-snipasciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6
bitcoin-asciilifeform.2-https_snipsnipasciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6
bitcoin-v0_5_3_1-static_makefile_v002.8asciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6
bitcoin-asciilifeform.4-goodbye-win32asciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6
bitcoin-v0_5_3_1-rev_bump.7asciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6
asciilifeform_dnsseed_snipsnipasciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6
asciilifeform_zap_hardcoded_seedsasciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6
asciilifeform_zap_showmyip_crudasciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6
asciilifeform_dns_thermonyukyoolar_kleansingasciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6
asciilifeform_ver_now_5_4_and_irc_is_gone_and_now_must_give_ipasciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6
asciilifeform-kills-integer-retardationasciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6
asciilifeform_and_now_we_have_block_dumper_correctedasciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6
mod6_fix_dumpblock_paramsasciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6
asciilifeform_and_now_we_have_eatblockasciilifeform ben_vulpes mod6


- CD1DCC5FEBDDD45408B193D0B875D8951EED8DC29D342AE5E57330B4EA2B55D959FAB19E634696234C698FEB4FA79A5702278E83B3896389C425ADA5E935CC34
+ 86E836B4710A5F675AF7F13832F290F9B9C9F24D3EFB41733D55E3A4F3F518E8C9FB1D60B43A2FBA3C8327BD2B9D10E5EBBB6DF8159F06873AEC21D2B9123304
(1817 . 6)(1817 . 28)
5 }
8 Value eatblock(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
9 {
10 if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 1)
11 throw runtime_error(
12 "eatblock <filename>\n"
13 "Load a candidate for the next block directly from <filename>.");
15 if (!fCanEat)
16 throw runtime_error(
17 "'eatblock' is only permitted if bitcoind was started with -caneat flag!");
19 // path to load block from
20 string filename = params[0].get_str();
22 printf("Attempting to create block #%d from file %s\n", nBestHeight + 1, filename.c_str());
23 CAutoFile filein = fopen(filename.c_str(), "rb");
24 CBlock block;
25 filein >> block;
26 return ProcessBlock(NULL, &block); // note that 'true' even if it was rejected (bastard, etc)
27 } // ... but will return 'false' if we already have the block.
31 //
32 // Call Table
(1865 . 6)(1887 . 7)
34 make_pair("getmemorypool", &getmemorypool),
35 make_pair("listsinceblock", &listsinceblock),
36 make_pair("dumpblock", &dumpblock),
37 make_pair("eatblock", &eatblock),
38 };
39 map<string, rpcfn_type> mapCallTable(pCallTable, pCallTable + sizeof(pCallTable)/sizeof(pCallTable[0]));
- 4263D0EF771CB75E59E909372BA8B850E70A4CBC03635234119A267774D4A9095ADD15E1094B18646C9A1C280A486C7EC68D8CEDC27CE2F6A14777AF129E8B7A
+ C3EE100D52ACBF91D3355C95EDC63DB6E1D8E4FB1847EBFFFBB8C8FE059EA88FA2F6C9E1535526039BBA6CC9B4E03B4CC5624FD28004ED7AEDCF6A0F42B3E177
(174 . 6)(174 . 7)
45 " -daemon \t\t " + _("Run in the background as a daemon and accept commands\n") +
46 " -testnet \t\t " + _("Use the test network\n") +
47 " -debug \t\t " + _("Output extra debugging information\n") +
48 " -caneat \t\t " + _("Permit the use of 'eatblock'\n") +
49 " -logtimestamps \t " + _("Prepend debug output with timestamp\n") +
50 " -printtoconsole \t " + _("Send trace/debug info to console instead of debug.log file\n") +
51 " -rpcuser=<user> \t " + _("Username for JSON-RPC connections\n") +
(196 . 6)(197 . 7)
53 fTestNet = GetBoolArg("-testnet");
54 fDebug = GetBoolArg("-debug");
55 fDaemon = GetBoolArg("-daemon");
56 fCanEat = GetBoolArg("-caneat");
58 if (fDaemon)
59 fServer = true;
- 626E2306C3784911C960136E39BD3EB7C925CA90378FAA03FB616A5D7180335889F0807BB39C9AC1907B285C43E730558190E1A1D5717EBA4BAE6006A9ABEDFD
+ B801E7F75CA5C3B9463ABE07201B60D4425CBA761D34F70B18ADCCA7370F341B90B91E8CAFD9FB28407439C72B4A624B10862FB22A301C9EA88F79D44267C0F7
(20 . 6)(20 . 7)
64 bool fDebug = false;
65 bool fPrintToConsole = false;
66 bool fPrintToDebugger = false;
67 bool fCanEat = false;
68 char pszSetDataDir[MAX_PATH] = "";
69 bool fRequestShutdown = false;
70 bool fShutdown = false;
- E5E5DA8C45C0FAB1ACA83EADB8E98560DC14F65060803B5EFD7EA83418BE6412EE6A4F59F15FA939E1D639EF2638C9C5D18B5448C246D943827A41E01997EF7B
+ B81E7C3EB43EB18D226C7A0EBB5868CC793C7197318BF7954590136B9713CAC00C9F44FC90578C52F86D424B272C2A78C0FC7A55B23B566CC0C859D4C699983C
(110 . 6)(110 . 7)
75 extern bool fDebug;
76 extern bool fPrintToConsole;
77 extern bool fPrintToDebugger;
78 extern bool fCanEat;
79 extern char pszSetDataDir[MAX_PATH];
80 extern bool fRequestShutdown;
81 extern bool fShutdown;