adalisp_genesis         1 -- Basic lisp machine memory and data representation. The basic memory
adalisp_genesis 2 -- unit of lisp machines is a cell of the form [ tag | data ]. Lisp
adalisp_genesis 3 -- memory is an array of such cells, with cell index 0 being reserved
adalisp_genesis 4 -- for the special value NIL.
adalisp_genesis 5 package LispM is
adalisp_genesis 6 -- 8MCells should be enough for everyone
adalisp_genesis 7 Mem_Size : constant := 2**23;
adalisp_genesis 8
adalisp_genesis 9 -- Machine words
adalisp_genesis 10 type MWord is mod 2 ** 64;
adalisp_genesis 11 for MWord'Size use 64;
adalisp_genesis 12
adalisp_genesis 13 -- Cell tags.
adalisp_genesis 14 type Tag is (Free, Builtin, Cons, Bool, Fixnum, Char, Symbol, Closure);
adalisp_genesis 15 type MemPtr is range 0 .. Mem_Size;
adalisp_genesis 16
adalisp_genesis 17 -- Built-in functions are tied in to a conceptual arithmetic-logic
adalisp_genesis 18 -- unit that provides the building blocks for evaluation.
adalisp_genesis 19 type BuiltinID is (AddB, SubB, MulB, DivB, QuoteB, EvalB, IfB,
adalisp_genesis 20 ConsB, CarB, CdrB, ListB, ApplyB, DefineB, SetB,
adalisp_genesis 21 EqnB, EqB, EqvB, PairPB, BooleanPB, NumberPB, SymbolPB,
adalisp_genesis 22 NullPB, ListPB, AndB, OrB, NotB, LambdaB, LetB,
adalisp_genesis 23 ReverseB, AppendB);
adalisp_genesis 24
adalisp_genesis 25 -- Cell data type. The first part of any cell is a tag. The second
adalisp_genesis 26 -- part is a tag-dependent machine word.
adalisp_genesis 27 --
adalisp_genesis 28 -- Machine words are defined by tag, as follows:
adalisp_genesis 29 --
adalisp_genesis 30 -- [ free | 0 ]
adalisp_genesis 31 --
adalisp_genesis 32 -- [ builtin | bid ] where bid is a number corresponding uniquely to
adalisp_genesis 33 -- a BuiltinID.
adalisp_genesis 34 --
adalisp_genesis 35 -- [ cons | car, cdr ] where car and cdr are each half of an MWord.
adalisp_genesis 36 --
adalisp_genesis 37 -- [ bool | b ] where b is a truth value (0 is false, 1 is true). XXX
adalisp_genesis 38 -- bool values should be hardcoded symbols (or something similar).
adalisp_genesis 39 --
adalisp_genesis 40 -- [ fixnum | n ] where n is a signed integer of MWord size / 2, the
adalisp_genesis 41 -- first bit being a sign bit.
adalisp_genesis 42 --
adalisp_genesis 43 -- [ char | c ] where c is the ASCII code of a character.
adalisp_genesis 44 --
adalisp_genesis 45 -- [ symbol | ptr ] where ptr points to a list of characters uniquely
adalisp_genesis 46 -- determining the symbol's name.
adalisp_genesis 47 --
adalisp_genesis 48 -- [ closure | code, env ] where code points to a list of the form
adalisp_genesis 49 -- (args e1 e2 ... en) (where args is a list of symbols) and env
adalisp_genesis 50 -- points to a symbol-value alist.
adalisp_genesis 51 type Cell is record
adalisp_genesis 52 T : Tag;
adalisp_genesis 53 Data : MWord;
adalisp_genesis 54 end record;
adalisp_genesis 55
adalisp_genesis 56 -- This puts it all together.
adalisp_genesis 57 type Mem is array (MemPtr range 1 .. Mem_Size) of Cell;
adalisp_genesis 58
adalisp_genesis 59 -- Pointer to heap end. This is incremented on memory
adalisp_genesis 60 -- allocations. Don't worry about deallocations for now, since we
adalisp_genesis 61 -- don't have a GC (yet).
adalisp_genesis 62 Heap_End : MemPtr := 0;
adalisp_genesis 63
adalisp_genesis 64 -- Pointer to interned symbol list.
adalisp_genesis 65 Sym_Table : MemPtr := 0;
adalisp_genesis 66 -- Pointer to interned symbol representing the "quote" keyword. This
adalisp_genesis 67 -- is used by the parser to transform ' tokens into (quote ...).
adalisp_genesis 68 Quote_Sym : MemPtr := 0;
adalisp_genesis 69
adalisp_genesis 70 -- Pointer to environment: the environment is a list of symbol-value
adalisp_genesis 71 -- associations; a symbol may have more than one associations at a
adalisp_genesis 72 -- given point in time, in which case the most recent association
adalisp_genesis 73 -- will be considered.
adalisp_genesis 74 Global_Env : MemPtr := 0;
adalisp_genesis 75
adalisp_genesis 76 -- A statically-allocated memory.
adalisp_genesis 77 AMem : Mem := (others => (T => Free, Data => 0));
adalisp_genesis 78
adalisp_genesis 79 -- Cell manipulation primitives.
adalisp_genesis 80 function Get_Builtin(C : Cell) return BuiltinID;
adalisp_genesis 81 function Get_Car(C : Cell) return MemPtr;
adalisp_genesis 82 function Get_Cdr(C : Cell) return MemPtr;
adalisp_genesis 83 function Get_Bool(C : Cell) return Boolean;
adalisp_genesis 84 function Get_Fixnum(C : Cell) return Long_Integer;
adalisp_genesis 85 function Get_Char(C : Cell) return Character;
adalisp_genesis 86 function Get_Symbol(C : Cell) return MemPtr;
adalisp_genesis 87 function Get_Closure_Code(C : Cell) return MemPtr;
adalisp_genesis 88 function Get_Closure_Env(C : Cell) return MemPtr;
adalisp_genesis 89 procedure Set_Builtin(C : in out Cell; B : in BuiltinID);
adalisp_genesis 90 procedure Set_Car(C : in out Cell; Car : in MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 91 procedure Set_Cdr(C : in out Cell; Cdr : in MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 92 procedure Set_Bool(C : in out Cell; Value : in Boolean);
adalisp_genesis 93 procedure Set_Fixnum(C : in out Cell; Value : in Long_Integer);
adalisp_genesis 94 procedure Set_Char(C : in out Cell; Value : in Character);
adalisp_genesis 95 procedure Set_Symbol(C : in out Cell; Name : in MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 96 procedure Set_Closure_Code(C : in out Cell; Code : in MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 97 procedure Set_Closure_Env(C : in out Cell; Env : in MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 98
adalisp_genesis 99 -- Memory management primitives.
adalisp_genesis 100
adalisp_genesis 101 -- Allocate cell in AMem.
adalisp_genesis 102 procedure Alloc_Cell(C : in Cell; P : out MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 103 -- Higher-level allocation primitives
adalisp_genesis 104 procedure Alloc_Builtin(B : BuiltinID; P : out MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 105 procedure Alloc_Cons(Car, Cdr : in MemPtr; P : out MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 106 procedure Alloc_Bool(Value : in Boolean; P : out MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 107 procedure Alloc_Fixnum(Value : in Long_Integer; P : out MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 108 procedure Alloc_Char(Value : in Character; P : out MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 109 procedure Alloc_Symbol(Name : in MemPtr; P : out MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 110 procedure Alloc_Closure(Code, Env : in MemPtr; P : out MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 111
adalisp_genesis 112 -- I/O: output primitives. XXX these should be placed in a separate
adalisp_genesis 113 -- module.
adalisp_genesis 114
adalisp_genesis 115 -- Dump cell to standard output.
adalisp_genesis 116 procedure Dump_Cell(P : in MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 117
adalisp_genesis 118 -- Recursively dump a cons cell, doing sugary processing.
adalisp_genesis 119 procedure Dump_Cons(P : in MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 120
adalisp_genesis 121 -- Dump a long integer
adalisp_genesis 122 procedure Dump_Longint(N : in Long_Integer);
adalisp_genesis 123
adalisp_genesis 124 -- Dump the name of a builtin id
adalisp_genesis 125 procedure Dump_BuiltinID(BID : in BuiltinID);
adalisp_genesis 126
adalisp_genesis 127 -- Dump a sequence of chars represented as a list.
adalisp_genesis 128 procedure Dump_String(P : in MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 129
adalisp_genesis 130 -- Init symbol table to a list of known symbols and add their
adalisp_genesis 131 -- bindings to builtins to the global environment.
adalisp_genesis 132 procedure Init_Builtin_Bindings;
adalisp_genesis 133
adalisp_genesis 134 -- Check whether two symbol names are equal.
adalisp_genesis 135 function Name_EqualP(Sym1, Sym2 : MemPtr) return Boolean;
adalisp_genesis 136
adalisp_genesis 137 -- Lookup symbol in symbol table. Return a pointer to a the unique
adalisp_genesis 138 -- symbol object representing it if found, NIL otherwise.
adalisp_genesis 139 procedure Lookup_Symbol(Name : in MemPtr; Sym : out MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 140
adalisp_genesis 141 -- Similar to Lookup_Symbol, only if the name does not exist, we
adalisp_genesis 142 -- create and add a new symbol object to the symbol table, and we
adalisp_genesis 143 -- return it.
adalisp_genesis 144 procedure Lookup_Or_Create_Symbol(Name : in MemPtr;
adalisp_genesis 145 Sym : out MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 146
adalisp_genesis 147 -- Lookup a binding for Sym in Env. Returns a symbol-value pair if it
adalisp_genesis 148 -- exists, NIL otherwise.
adalisp_genesis 149 procedure Lookup_Env(Sym, Env : in MemPtr; Binding : out MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 150 -- Similar to Lookup_Env, only also try Global_Env
adalisp_genesis 151 procedure Lookup_Env_Or_Global(Sym, Env : in MemPtr;
adalisp_genesis 152 Binding : out MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 153
adalisp_genesis 154 -- Add a Sym-Value binding in Env. Returns the new binding.
adalisp_genesis 155 procedure Bind_Env(Sym, Value : in MemPtr;
adalisp_genesis 156 Env : in out MemPtr; Binding : out MemPtr);
adalisp_genesis 157 end LispM;