-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 ..::[ The Bitcoin Foundation: STATE OF BITCOIN ADDRESS ]::.. [ Date: 2019.06.30 ] [ Co-Chairs: mod6 [R.01] && ben_vulpes [R.02] ] During the month of June, I spent most of my time learning and working on some Cuntoo ebuild prototypes. The TRB build process depends on three things being in place: ave1's [R.03] musltronic tools, diana_coman's [R.04] Keccak Vtron, and TRB itself. With this, I set out to see how far I could get by creating ebuilds for all three of these. I have made a blog post [R.05] that gives more detail into what I did and the problems that I encountered. Long story short, I was able to build TRB via ebuilds that I created; however, the one glaring problem is getting ave1's musltronic tools compiled upon Cuntoo. To build GNAT (which is needed to build the Keccak Vtron) one needs a working GNAT. I'll continue working on these ebuilds next month. I'll certainly need help with comprising a solution to the GNAT circular dependency issue. Hopefully there will be a reasonable way to remedy this issue without too much trouble. Once I have a solution in hand, then I'll re-write that specific ebuild. If you're knowledgeable about the problem and want to help, please write in! It would be much welcomed. Further out, for the medium term (August/September), and provided that I have completed/finalized the three ebuilds, I will focus on a new HOWTO guide and regrinding of TRB vpatches that are in need of submission post Cuntoo/Keccak move. All the best, ~mod6 [ References ]: [R.01]: 027A 8D7C 0FB8 A166 4372 0F40 7217 05A8 B71E ADAF [R.02]: 4F79 0794 2CA8 B89B 01E2 5A76 2AFA 1A9F D2D0 31DA [R.03]: 57EE 94EA 6F20 49A4 7DAF A856 8F4C E8F7 77BC 59F9 [R.04]: E72D CCB7 3A5E 0669 4C5C D781 D519 6EE6 390F 999E [R.05]: http://blog.mod6.net/2019/07/cuntoo-ebuild-prototypes/ -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (FreeBSD) iQIcBAEBCgAGBQJdGVuxAAoJEHIXBai3Hq2vEwcP/2TjRR8uyiuW6pdNujVINxus XxMCDnzLaq1Rfw+J6b1Px/6vIMPpjNfNXdZY5aaN7UtHzgwIr6WCNVJKM+1FbpjV vkgffdeq0lVBgth83/L5PBnPUb8MJtsBgnAM1NHKc/J5iAQgQq/ArRJOX21dJSAD KMskk4QsGd2NAZuO1Mvc/D+vc7M0euouZ4VCBG6U+Kd+ckoSWXsCOFB2nb+vFS77 DW4jqZ718buaYFbxinJDSClnPOVgVQ+6i/xSJ5PY7IIQ62n/1eCoxkvV/TS9Hn1S C92wAjEg2jiQfgAI7mmIYFQUvO7Yrz5flD8I1os2jOjduD4WnjPHRJQpmx/DXFSJ P9LVMNCfWhUAl/qXWHHMMGpIkyd9bbO92F8pm80/wVwvi3o2gqTqUMwF/iZLtjwm sI2odhNMC5u0evn6vGQvcvGtedk4cijgzMrqU37Qv/URlOBbtQO5GE4Ojm92f7vg HIi2HIf+/mTcbFntri7hUG6vauasRRREs68zNtp69S4TJ64gTxtoiQxuDvkQpwsE oa+8NkWrF35poP1oMqxZbxQWS3MdRkDdYfqNumiWRqN74qgsWUp/PosEHfzXz4Kp U7BV3T/jfU0nrlJ/rMw9YwPJLiWOiqhj71EHkvG+dA6Dg72yASrKDGL07+T9wSnq UQqTdbtEJfbIp+oaw7nW =8eTb -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----