-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA512 The item seen here is an illustrated demo of the algorithm I've called 'Trinquian' V, or 'crystallized', as previously shown in [1]. It was produced by taking a properly-verifying copy of the 'stable' trb [2] flow, as follows: #### modify as needed for your local setup: ## can use any proper vtron (i.e. that supports 'flow' command) ./v.py --seals .seals --wot .wot patches f > flow.txt NAME=trb FLOW=`cat flow.txt` rm -rf temp; mkdir -p temp/a; while read -r patch; do P=`echo $patch | cut -f 1 -d ' '` N=`basename $patch .vpatch` echo "$N" ./v.py --seals .seals --wot .wot patches p $P temp/b ; cd temp/b; ../../dir2txt.py ./bitcoin >> $NAME; cd ..; LC_ALL=C ~/vdiff.sh a/$NAME b/$NAME > ../out/$N.monoblok.vpatch ; cd ..; rm -rf temp/a ; mv temp/b temp/a done <<< "$FLOW" rm -rf temp ...and the result is a fully-linear 'V operates on single files' trb set. Observe that all Unix directory idiocy is fully abstracted over; it is possible to e.g. rename a file, or move files between directories, without generating megabytes of diff liquishit. To press, we must, as before, e.g., ./v.pl p . makefiles.monoblok.vpatch but after this now also: txt2dir.py trb makefiles and then, e.g., diff -r makefiles/bitcoin ../traditional-trb/makefiles/bitcoin ... will confirm that you got exactly what's expected. The 'crystallization' mechanism is here seen retrofitted to traditional vtrons (works equally well with any and all of'em; tested specifically with my 'v99' and with mod6's most-recent. However it is in principle possible to build it directly into a vtron. The traditional headache of V users, where a file that has not been touched is seemingly irrelevant to the v-flow, but in fact semantically necessary, is thereby cured. NOTE!! that this is NOT a replacement for the proposed 'chronicle.txt' item; the latter imho is still very necessary for purely practical reasons. The purpose of this EXPERIMENTAL item is strictly to demonstrate sane-file-handling variant of vtron format. There is no chronicle in these, they were deliberately made to produce the bitwise-same output as the traditional trb vpatch sequence. ---- [1] http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2018-March/000293.html [2] http://btcbase.org/patches -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux) iQEcBAEBCgAGBQJawqc8AAoJELmCKKABq//HF8AH/3ofAqI8tGOoWIf24ScTIpQm CMemFMFQ04Me8e/sblt7nrIgFs5Hn5T9DJxEPh16JTxkQXnSKDJED7kRJuHGt/IW l6JEKBlbomwbnANcH95/FXislapLzTR8YIoR3jBhuUpkKXbuQhKHDMq+DB9RWn5s CjbMi0AF+VkBkJfrIf8DDH63e/R4YeZsQTx/Y7xEg6fzuN0/xRYkX0qx+7S+C08N 8jKt82Bcnb5yROIW20YknPycpUwuZkyYln1OQQtOIZacwCFeShUhn81YCN5cOh0h qX6UfrAcoR82XgBnh7ce17QrnrQxN+77HcK9jZ6L8c3iFwCfo70qQJVI1KrZOpE= =nsZl -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----