------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- You do not have, nor can you ever acquire the right to use, copy or -- -- distribute this software ; Should you use this software for any purpose, -- -- or copy and distribute it to anyone or in any manner, you are breaking -- -- the laws of whatever soi-disant jurisdiction, and you promise to -- -- continue doing so for the indefinite future. In any case, please -- -- always : read and understand any software ; verify any PGP signatures -- -- that you use - for any purpose. -- -- -- -- See also http://trilema.com/2015/a-new-software-licensing-paradigm . -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO; procedure Constraint is I : Integer := 1; A : array (1 .. 3) of Integer; begin for J in A'Range loop A(J) := (J + 10) * 20; end loop; Put("Loop should end in constaint error."); New_Line; loop Put(I); New_Line; Put(A(I)); I := I + 1; if I > 10 then exit; end if; end loop; end Constraint;