August, 2019 This is a quick'n'dirty AWK one-line script that successfully converted an irssi irc log into the tmsr format that the logotron uses. 1. The bash script expects one single parameter that is the starting index (i.e. the index of the first line in the log). E.g. ./ 100 will produce lines numbered 100, 101, 102 etc. 2. Examples of use: ./ 99384 < inputfile > outputfile sh 10001 < inputfile > outputfile 3. Caveats: - based on the previous raw awk version published at and tested *only* on one irssi log of #ossasepia (result can be seen at: ) - the converter works on the "out-of-the-box" irssi log format, as currently seen, for instance: --- Day changed Mon Jul 15 2019 16:46 --> moopet [~moopet@unaffiliated/moopet] has joined #ossasepia 16:46 moopet: Aloha 16:46 diana_coman: hello moopet 16:46 diana_coman: what brings you here? 16:47 * moopet read a comment on about TMSR and V and hasn't a clue what they are will produce (./ 2 < in.log > out.log) as output: 2;1563205560;moopet;Aloha 3;1563205560;diana_coman;hello moopet 4;1563205560;diana_coman;what brings you here? 5;1563205620;*;moopet read a comment on about TMSR and V and hasn't a clue what they are