[bofh] # Path to IRC bot debuggism log log = nsabot.log [irc] servers = irc.freenode.net port = 6667 # Bot's nick (change to yours, as with all knobs) nick = snsabot # All chans for both www end and bot, go here: chans = asciilifeform-test, asciilifeform-test-2 # IRC nick PW pass = YOURFLEANODEPW # How long to wait for fleanode to ack auth of nick before joining chans join_t = 20 # Verbose barf of irc tx/rx irc_dbg = 0 [tcp] bufsize = 4096 # Recv timeout timeout = 30 # Delay between IRC transmits - possibly ought to be longer t_delay = 0.1 [control] # Command Trigger for IRC bot prefix = !q [logotron] # The current era. era = 3 # Convention for these : # 1 : Age of #b-a (and earlier dark age material) # 2 : Phf's (and several variously-reliable) loggers # 3 : Present day. # Where the source lives (change to yours) src_url = http://not.yet # From where index starts for new chan, so to leave room for archive insert newchan_idx = 1000000 # Base URL of logtron site (change to yours!) base_url = http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/ # Other people's bots (for colouration strictly) bots = a111, deedbot, feedbot, auctionbot, lobbesbot # On what port will sit the www logtron www_port = 5002 [db] # Change to your DB (set it up so only answers locally) db_name = nsalog db_user = nsabot # Verbose barf of DB transactions db_debug = 0