Comments on: Failure Modes Tue, 06 Oct 2020 17:02:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: TMSR OS, January 2020 Statement « Dorion Mode TMSR OS, January 2020 Statement « Dorion Mode Mon, 27 Jan 2020 04:14:06 +0000 [...] Feedback modes are a sign of life, let's see the extent to which he can shorten the loop. First things first is conversations, I don't want to pressure him into a situation to trigger his beings an engineer until he's ready. [...] [...] Feedback modes are a sign of life, let's see the extent to which he can shorten the loop. First things first is conversations, I don't want to pressure him into a situation to trigger his beings an engineer until he's ready. [...]

By: Diana Coman Diana Coman Sat, 25 Jan 2020 13:36:34 +0000 Why not actually speak up in #trilema or in #ossasepia or in #trilema-hanbot, you know? I'd even say part of curing this particular illness is exactly talking to people and since you have on irc so many people who want to talk to you, why don't you? Why not actually speak up in #trilema or in #ossasepia or in #trilema-hanbot, you know? I'd even say part of curing this particular illness is exactly talking to people and since you have on irc so many people who want to talk to you, why don't you?
