Comments on: Building GNAT on MUSL, now with partial and parallel build support Tue, 06 Oct 2020 17:02:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: Diana Coman Diana Coman Wed, 27 Nov 2019 10:56:33 +0000 Since apparently I didn't give the full details on this before, I'll add it here now for future reference: the cross-compiler for aarch64 here fails on a proto-cuntoo (frozen gentoo) on Intel with frozen Adacore's GNAT ie the script ends up with an error that "JMP_BUFF_SIZE undeclared" at libgcc/unwind-sjlj.c:39:23 . Otherwise (without aarch64 in, it compiles fine with sjlj support too. Since apparently I didn't give the full details on this before, I'll add it here now for future reference: the cross-compiler for aarch64 here fails on a proto-cuntoo (frozen gentoo) on Intel with frozen Adacore's GNAT ie the script ends up with an error that "JMP_BUFF_SIZE undeclared" at libgcc/unwind-sjlj.c:39:23 . Otherwise (without aarch64 in, it compiles fine with sjlj support too.

By: Building Musltronic GNAT: Part 1 « mod6's Blog Building Musltronic GNAT: Part 1 « mod6's Blog Sun, 21 Apr 2019 20:11:18 +0000 [...] Now that we have a proper keccak-vtron, which requires Ada to build, I wanted to get ave1's musltronic GNAT built statically, so I could try it out on my Cuntoo box. I began with ave1's version 2018-05-15, [...] [...] Now that we have a proper keccak-vtron, which requires Ada to build, I wanted to get ave1's musltronic GNAT built statically, so I could try it out on my Cuntoo box. I began with ave1's version 2018-05-15, [...]

By: GNAT Compilation Notes « Ossasepia GNAT Compilation Notes « Ossasepia Mon, 04 Mar 2019 16:54:28 +0000 [...] Ave1's GNAT version 2018-05-15 adding parallel build support that effectively cuts significantly the time required for the full build4 [...] [...] Ave1's GNAT version 2018-05-15 adding parallel build support that effectively cuts significantly the time required for the full build4 [...]

By: ZCX vs SJLJ - Data Set « Ossasepia ZCX vs SJLJ - Data Set « Ossasepia Thu, 28 Feb 2019 17:35:42 +0000 [...] incarnations of Ave1's GNAT: the ZCX variant which is obtained as a straight compilation using Ave1's scripts from the 15th of July 2018; the SJLJ-compilation of the same (i.e. supporting both dynamic and static linking); the SJLJ [...] [...] incarnations of Ave1's GNAT: the ZCX variant which is obtained as a straight compilation using Ave1's scripts from the 15th of July 2018; the SJLJ-compilation of the same (i.e. supporting both dynamic and static linking); the SJLJ [...]
